Ivo Kwee
Ivo Kwee
Reopened.Should find a better solution of our globals. Many are loaded in the initial lib/sysdata.rda object.
closing. playdata is used for global data objects. Let's try to minimize the globals in app.
You can delete all datasets-* fiiles in your folder and see if it occurs again. Before deleteing, please make a zip file and send it to us, so we can...
archiving as stale issue.
Having three annotation db for human: EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86, TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, and org.Hs.eg.db might be redundant and (maybe?) we can use just one. But this needs a further look whether we can use...
Closing stale issue.
I think it is already done in the GUI, splitting to "high" and "low". However not done in createPGX. UI and message could be improved. Closing issue.
Yes. I was thinking about that too. Also in the first tab ('compare expression') it redraws the plots too many times after changing. We can draw the first plot automatically...
done in upcoming v3.5.0
Unclear. Closing stale issue.