Marcos Andrei Ivanechtchuk
Marcos Andrei Ivanechtchuk
v1 has been released supporting react > 16.8
Not sure if that matters now due to the time elapsed, sorry, but on V1 maybe using the `imageTimeout` option from `htm2canvas` might be a way out. ```tsx import generatePDF,...
Closing this, but feel free to open another ticket if the problem persists with the newest releases.
not related to this package, closing.
Sorry for the delay in the response here. Not sure what is the issue here, but v1 has been released with some new features including multipage support. Closing this but...
v1 has been just released and it's built with TS, please see README for more details/examples.
Sorry for the delay in the response.Please check using the newest releases (v1) which has upgraded its dependencies (html2canvas and jspdf). Closing this but feel free to open another issue...
Not sure if that matters now, sorry for that, but please provide a reproducible example (codegen, jsfiddle, etc). V1 has been released too with html2canvas and jspdf upgrades, please check...
V1 acabou de ser lançada suportando multiplas páginas. Fechando a issue já que é uma discussão antiga, mas sinta-se livre para abrir outra se for necessário.
v1 has just been released supporting react > 16.8