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OracleSync2MySQL copied to clipboard

Oracle to MySQL, PolarDB, Percona Server MySQL, MariaDB, OceanBase, TiDB, GaussDB for MySQL





Online migration of Oracle databases to target MySQL kernel databases, such as MySQL, PolarDB, Percona Server MySQL, MariaDB, OceanBase, TiDB, GaussDB for MySQL

  • Migrate the entire database table structure and table row data to the target database
  • The target database table structure is a superset of the source database that can migrate row data
  • Multi thread batch migration of table row data
  • Data comparison between source and target databases


The running client PC needs to be able to connect to both the source database and the target database simultaneously

run on Windows,Linux,macOS


unzip and run


[root@localhost opt]# unzip

How to use

The following is an example of a Windows platform, with the same command-line parameters as other operating systems

Note: Please run this tool in CMD on Windows system, or in a directory with read and write permissions on MacOS or Linux

If you run on linux please first set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./instantclient

example below

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# pwd

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# ls
example.yml  instantclient   OracleSync2MySQL

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./instantclient

1 Edit yml configuration file

Edit the example.cfg file and input the source(src) and target(dest) database information separately

  port: 1521
  database: orcl
  username: admin
  password: oracle
  port: 3306
  database: test_polar
  username: root
  password: 11111
pageSize: 100000
maxParallel: 100
batchRowSize: 1000
    - select * from test

database: src is oracle service_name,dest is database name

pageSize: Number of records per page for pagination query

maxParallel: The maximum number of concurrency that can run goroutine simultaneously

tables: Customized migrated tables and customized query source tables, indented in yml format

exclude: Tables that do not migrate to target database, indented in yml format

batchRowSize: Number of rows in batch insert target table

2 Full database migration

Migrate entire database table structure, row data, views, index constraints, and self increasing columns to target database

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config file.yml

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config example.yml

on Linux and MacOS you can run
Note: If running on Linux, please first set the environment variable in the directory where the tool is located to specify the instantclient used by the current tool directory

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# pwd

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# ls
  example.yml  instantclient   OracleSync2MySQL
[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./instantclient

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]#./OracleSync2MySQL --config example.yml

3 View Migration Summary

After the entire database migration is completed, a migration summary will be generated to observe if there are any failed objects. By querying the migration log, the failed objects can be analyzed

|        SourceDb         |       DestDb        | MaxParallel | PageSize |
| | |     30      |  100000  |

|Object     |         BeginTime          |          EndTime           |FailedTotal  |ElapsedTime   |
|Table      | 2023-07-21 17:12:51.680525 | 2023-07-21 17:12:52.477100 |0            |796.579837ms  |
|TableData  | 2023-07-21 17:12:52.477166 | 2023-07-21 17:12:59.704021 |0            |7.226889553s  |

Table Create finish elapsed time  5.0256021s

4 Compare Source and Target database

After migration finish you can compare source table and target database table rows,displayed failed table only

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config your_file.yml compareDb

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config example.yml compareDb

on Linux and MacOS you can run
./OracleSync2MySQL --config example.yml compareDb
Table Compare Result (Only Not Ok Displayed)
|Table                  |SourceRows  |DestRows  |DestIsExist  |isOk  |
|abc_testinfo           |7458        |0         |YES          |NO    |
|log1_qweharddiskweqaz  |0           |0         |NO           |NO    |
|abcdef_jkiu_button     |4           |0         |YES          |NO    |
|abcdrf_yuio            |5           |0         |YES          |NO    |
|zzz_ss_idcard          |56639       |0         |YES          |NO    |
|asdxz_uiop             |290497      |190497    |YES          |NO    |
|abcd_info              |1052258     |700000    |YES          |NO    |
INFO[0040] Table Compare finish elapsed time 11.307881434s 

Other migration modes

1 Full database migration

Migrate entire database table structure, row data, views, index constraints, and self increasing columns to target database

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config file.yml

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config example.yml

Note: If running on Linux, please first set the environment variable in the directory where the tool is located to specify the instantclient used by the current tool directory

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# pwd

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# ls
  example.yml  instantclient   OracleSync2MySQL
[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./instantclient

[root@uatenv OracleSync2MySQL]#./OracleSync2MySQL --config example.yml

2 Custom SQL Query Migration

only migrate some tables not entire database, and migrate the table structure and table data to the target database according to the custom query statement in file.yml

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config file.yml -s

OracleSync2MySQL.exe  --config example.yml -s

3 Migrate all table structures in the entire database

Create all table structure(only table metadata not row data) to target database

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config file.yml createTable -t

OracleSync2MySQL.exe  --config example.yml createTable -t

4 Migrate the table structure of custom tables

Read custom tables from yml file and create target table

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config file.yml createTable -s -t

OracleSync2MySQL.exe  --config example.yml createTable -s -t

5 Migrate row data across the entire database

Only migrate all row data from the source database to the target database, excluding table structures

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config file.yml onlyData

OracleSync2MySQL.exe  --config example.yml onlyData

6 Migrate custom table row data

only migrate file.yml custom sql query table row data exclude table struct

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config file.yml onlyData -s

OracleSync2MySQL.exe  --config example.yml onlyData -s

7 output create ddl

Do not migrate any data, only dump DDL statements. Output DDL statements for table creation, indexes, auto increment columns, views, and other objects to createSql.log in the log file

OracleSync2MySQL.exe --config file.yml -m

OracleSync2MySQL.exe  --config example.yml -m

change history


2024-06-04 fix tablemeta view problem,add -m mode only output ddl script to plat file


2024-05-30 fix missing default value


2024-05-14 add column comment


2024-03-29 fix some error


2023-11-27 fix -s mode with upper table name


2023-10-24 modify fetchTableMap


2023-08-31 When modifying the insert method for migrating data, the insert statement has been changed from the previous insert into tableName values to insert into tableName (col1, col2) values. Fix the issue of incorrect timestamp type conversion text


2023-08-23 New add triggers & sequence Oracle autoincrement migration to target database autoincrement columns, migrate foreign keys, indexes of normal index type, comment comments, views, dump source database functions, stored procedures, and other objects to flat files


2023-08-14 Add Oracle instantclient


2023-08-04 Fix the issue of tables without data not being created in the target database, add new indexes, and migrate constraints


2023-08-01 Modify the number of connection pools for the source and target databases to unlimited, and use Godror to connect to Oracle


2023-07-28 Paging query to obtain bug fixes and increase timestamp type adaptation


2023-07-27 Oracle full database migration of tables and table data to the target MySQL database