Ignacio Vera
Ignacio Vera
Looks like a transient error: @elasticsearchmachine run elasticsearch-ci/part-2
@elasticsearchmachine run elasticsearch-ci/packaging-tests-windows-sample
I am looking into which unit test might make sense here.
I added new triangle types but no sure if this can work. Does Lucene merge segments from different Lucene versions? I would expect so, therefore this won't work as you...
@jpountz of course, this is my logic. Considering two versions of Lucene X.Y and X.Z where Z > Y and with the current ShapeField formats: X.Y: Three first bits are...
Not any meaningful speed up but I hope to get a bit more when using this information to specialise the relate methods on the queries.
Thanks for the quick answer @nrabinowitz! I have points indexed on a kd-tree and I would like to be able to filter it efficiently using H3 bins (give me all...
The main purpose of the index is to perform geometric filtering. The only way forward I see as you said is to buffer out hex bins to check for disjoint...
I like this idea but I agree with Adrien that the API change does not look right. More over, I don't think we need to add it to PointValues as...
I don't think the grow(long) is necessary, we can always added to the IntersectVisitor instead. Maybe would be worthy to adjust how we call grow() in BKDReader#addAll as it does...