wicket-select2 copied to clipboard
Provides integration between Apache Wicket and Select2
I'm missing the 'select2-blur' Event in select2.js Version 3.3.2 contained within wicket-select2-2.2.3.jar
The AbstractSelect2Choice component supports simple choices of elements, but no hierarchical structure like optgroups and options. This would be a nice feature.
I need to catch an exception in "query" method of TextChoiceProvider (i.e. database connection error) and show a message to the user. But I don't know how to do this...
Refactored from object to IModel
implement stateless use of select2 choices
To see this behavior, just fire up the Wicket-Select2 Examples page in IE8 and click the single select input field. Most of the times, the result will look something like...
I have modified wicket-select2 to be used with Wicket 1.4.23 (seems to work as expected) I can send the modified code to you if it worth so. Should I?
Is my understanding correct that any value returned in TextChoiceProvider.getId() can be any of the types that org.json.JSONWriter will work with (including an Object that implements JSONString) - I looked...
Igor - is there any way to be notified via a callback of a user selection in a Select2MultiChoice? Ive got the component hooked up and working fine, complete with...
The readme talks about wicket 1.5 support. _The 1.x branch contains a version of wicket-select2 compatible with Wicket 1.5.x_ There are a number of issues in here that haven't had...