wicket-select2 copied to clipboard
Provides integration between Apache Wicket and Select2
Hello Igor, I've ported one of our in-house apps to Wicket 8 and found a few problems with a dependency on wicket-select2. This pull request fixes the compile errors, so...
Martijn Dashorst @dashorst provides a fork at https://github.com/dashorst/wicket-select2 that is working so far for us. Is an official version for wicket 7 planned? In the moment I provide an artifact...
sorry for the strange diff... dunno how that happened...
This pull request fixes the compatibility between Select 2 and Wicket 7. In order to fix the dependencies I've also made the POMs consistent. - All duplicate information was moved...
Can the current Wicket-Select2 implementation of Select2MultiChoice work without Ajax? i.e. I send all the choice data to the client on init, and on form submit, the selected values/ids are...
if you call updateModel method it throws NPE in case selection is NULL
setting setDefaultModelObject() on form does not help ... how do I do it ? Regards Armando
The Select2Choice class in the convertInput method expects the provider to give an answer given an input on line 54: setConvertedInput(getProvider().toChoices(Collections.singleton(input)).iterator().next()); If you update the contents of the Select2 via...
Wicket-4.x compatible version of select-2