Ivaylo Kenov

Results 59 comments of Ivaylo Kenov

@grinay I will publish packages for .NET 6 in a week. Stay tuned!

Hi @VenkateshSrini! Thank you for your interest! Yes, Razor Pages is the next feature I am going to introduce in the library. It is currently in the works. Stay tuned!

You are replacing the Cloudinary service and then calling the original ones, therefore the replacement is no longer valid. You first need to register everything from your base Startup and...

@AchoVasilev Most probably your TestStartup is not located because of namespace/assembly name difference. If you could upload a sample from your solution, I may take a look.

@DominicSachs Yes, it is currently under development. It should be released soon.

Unfortunately, the project currently is a really low priority for me. Ever since the pandemic started almost everyone who was supporting My Tested ASP.NET is no longer doing it: https://opencollective.com/mytestedaspnet...

Guys, version 5.0 is deployed to NuGet - it is completely free and does not require a license from now on. I still need to update some other text files...

@stefanAtUcommerce Version 3.1 also does not require a license code from now on. Version 6.0 will not require either but it will be released in a few days hopefully.

Thank you for reporting this issue. I will take a look, and deploy a fix if there is a problem in my code.

For now, I can provide the following workaround. If you register your DbContext as in this example: ```c# services .AddDbContext(options => options .UseSqlServer( configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"), b => b.MigrationsAssembly(typeof(BlogDbContext).Assembly.FullName))) .AddScoped(provider => provider.GetService());...