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General Enhancements and Ideas

Open ivaylokenov opened this issue 8 years ago • 0 comments

  • [x] VoidActionResult can be singleton
  • [x] MockedLoggerFactory and MockedLogger can be singleton
  • [x] CreateDefaultAuthenticated can be singleton
  • [x] Reflection caching
  • [x] MockedHttpResponse may not be used - default one should work
  • [X] ControllerBuilder should expose its properties for extensibility
  • [x] ContentType testing do not need to instantiate MediaTypeHeaderValue class
  • [x] Change With to Containing everywhere collections are asserted
  • [x] Cast all dynamic calls
  • [ ] All exact collection testers should say it checks the count
  • [x] Loop handling in deeply equal tests
  • [x] Check ObjectResult declared type
  • [ ] With total number of elements in collection
  • [x] HttpRequest and HttpResponse object contents for easier testing
  • [x] Null checking in error messages can be extracted
  • [ ] Add local caching to various test helpers, which invoke the same algorithm (for example Cookies in HTTP response tests)
  • [x] Use default Startup finder
  • [ ] WithResolvedDependencies may use the default service collection
  • [ ] Non-controller route action testing
  • [X] Remove Func expressions from route testing
  • [X] Add custom StringInput formatter (
  • [x] Dictionary validator
  • [ ] Examine the stream workaround in JSON parsing (FormattersHelper.WriteAsStringToStream)
  • [ ] GetEncodingName is not used properly
  • [ ] Consider using disposing mechanisms for various components (controller, HTTP context, etc.)
  • [ ] Optimize startup with lazy initialization as much as possible
  • [x] All ShouldHave test builders should be chainable
  • [x] Getting route values can be done from the expression call
  • [x] Add value providers to the controller context
  • [x] Add WithResolvedRouteData - with and without additional values - to resolve route data from the provided expression
  • [x] Redirect and Created should work with route values like route testing (count check only if no lambda expression provided)
  • [x] React to removed HTTP prefix on action results
  • [X] Consider removing the full scan of the StartUp file
  • [X] Strong name assebly
  • [ ] If problems, consider using WrappedApplicationEnvironment in platform services
  • [ ] Move exceptions to folders
  • [X] Controller builder chaining should not have any order
  • [ ] Delay StartupLoader
  • [ ] IHttpContextAccessor may need to be overriden with non logical context - needs further testing
  • [ ] Exception messages may get prefixes from the test context
  • [x] Service extensions should allow implementation factories (and replace to other type of scope)
  • [ ] Uri test builder can use actions and detailed errors
  • [ ] Parallel applications
  • [ ] Exception helper for common exceptions
  • [ ] Filter cache caches action execution - examine whether it can help with performance (ObjectMethodExecutor)
  • [ ] Add Passing with predicate wherever possible (route arguments, HTTP response models, etc.)
  • [ ] Add default testing options (content types, etc.) (get them from global config)
  • [x] Strong name the package
  • [ ] Running() - integration test with fluent API
  • [ ] Consider removing instance checking like IContractResolver in JsonSeriallizerSettings
  • [ ] Check StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase for session, cache, etc.
  • [ ] Configuration should be used from the original project, not the test one
  • [ ] Local redirect result may test for route values with the lambda expression call
  • [ ] Created and Redirect may use ToController<TController> (required additional route parsing)
  • [ ] GetConstructorByUnorderedParameters in Reflection may cache constructors per type and parameters per constructor
  • [ ] Mixed dependency resolver - services and per test at once (or WithResolvedDependencyFromServicesFrom)
  • [ ] WithResponseModel may show string representations
  • [ ] Cache types and type infos where possible
  • [ ] Do not call PlatformServices multiple times
  • [ ] ActionDescriptor may need better condition to be set from the cache
  • [ ] Action call is cached in MVC - check if it can be used
  • [ ] Routes can use ToRouteValueOfType methods
  • [ ] Figure a way to get the web application name and path (currently it is the test project's)
  • [ ] Add From.Services() and From all other options (query, headers, etc.)
  • [ ] Add/implement shouldly assertions (add sample)
  • [ ] Anonymous types do not have friendly type name and deep equal now working properly
  • [ ] TryReplace services should check whether it is replacing any service
  • [ ] Values can be shown friendlier in error messages (example: int arrays - 1, 2, 3)
  • [ ] Where object to dictionary is used - every method can be enhanced to allow different types depending on the context (headers can allow Header object, cookies - Cookie object)
  • [ ] Route values - add of type testing for routes
  • [ ] Route value dictionary is ordinal ignore case
  • [ ] AndContinueWith - integrate more than one controller
  • [ ] Performance test with plugable diagnostics
  • [X] Use request services for mocks and where possible
  • [ ] Mocked telemetry
  • [ ] Optimize service collection extension methods (PrepareForTesting)
  • [ ] ToStringValueDictionary may return StringValues
  • [ ] Add all ICacheEntry options
  • [ ] ShouldHaveLogged testing
  • [ ] Ready to use mocks for various services like SignInManager, Files, etc.
  • [ ] LocalRedirect may need to be Redirect().ToLocal()
  • [ ] Add more defensive programming to the methods
  • [ ] MemoryCache and TempData may be scoped service
  • [ ] Consider advances expression visitor for the models
  • [ ] Optimize service replacement
  • [ ] Improve extensibility with public methods of the classes
  • [ ] Refactor TestApplication into separate smaller classes
  • [ ] Extract Throwers
  • [ ] Add OfType to ViewComponentResult
  • [ ] ModelState testing should be able to work without model
  • [ ] EntityFramework services should consider non DbOptions replacement
  • [ ] Unit tests should use TestStartup
  • [ ] UriTestBuilder - Passing is not accessible from interfaces
  • [ ] Add null checks everywhere possible
  • [ ] ShouldHave options
  • [ ] ShouldHave service
  • [ ] Redirect and Created To method should validate the passed controller
  • [ ] Add data providers Passing option for value
  • [ ] Request cookies should have easier way of setting
  • [ ] Add WithModelState to controller builder
  • [ ] Application should be able to be configured manually - plugins for example
  • [ ] Add Manual Test sample
  • [ ] Add Readme to all separate projects
  • [ ] Sorting formatters does not show correct error message (other sortings may have the same issue)
  • [ ] Action argument testing
  • [ ] ToRouteValue throws null exception when action is not resolved
  • [ ] Add unit test with the problematic RouteValueAttribute (uncomment the one which worked)
  • [ ] Add IRouter extensibility point in route testing (ITestRouter)
  • [ ] Consider running action filters on route test (should be an option) (for controller too)
  • [ ] Add EF test for scoped services by using the internal provider option
  • [ ] Plugins should be part of the test configuration - should be allowed as strings (consider application parts too)
  • [x] Replace Routes to Routing namespace
  • [ ] Add Should have service testing
  • [ ] Remove TestHelper
  • [ ] Refactor Base and And test builders
  • [ ] NewAndTestBuilderWithActionResult may not be needed - IAndTestBuilder should be enough
  • [ ] Default HTML options in ViewContext - decide what to do with struct values
  • [ ] Add IView mock for ViewComponent testing
  • [ ] Descriptor caches can use the application model conventions to fill the descriptors faster
  • [ ] Separate huge interfaces into partials
  • [ ] Clear inner test builders - they should not have ShouldPassFor options
  • [ ] Add ITestStartup - allows you to add easily the methods
  • [ ] Common exception messages may be from static methods in the exception class itself
  • [ ] ActionResults with generics can be optimized by not checking the return type
  • [ ] WithNoModel wherever applicable
  • [ ] DefaultValue, Null, NotNull do not provide AndAlso - use interface in the AndWith test builder
  • [ ] Exception ShouldPassFor should not be in the Abstractions package
  • [ ] Add CRUD to the IDbContextBuilder for easier adding of entities
  • [ ] ViewBag testing without strings but with dynamic predicate
  • [ ] View names may need specific testing - .View() does not check for non null values
  • [ ] AndAlso after some of the test builder - ShouldReturn().View().AndAlso().ShouldPassFor()
  • [ ] Remove the cast to ActionTestContext in ComponentShouldHaveTestBuilderModelStateExtensions
  • [ ] ViewContextMock creates two ModelState dictionaries because the second one cannot be set (maybe setter should apply values like in RouteData)
  • [ ] ControllerPropertyHelper may not be needed
  • [ ] Think of a way to get TempData and ViewData without type checking (features in the test context for example)
  • [ ] Test setups can be separated into different packages
  • [ ] GetTempData and GetViewData can look into the component contexts too
  • [ ] DataProviders can come from manual method call -> .From(c => c)
  • [ ] Remove default configuration and make Startup required
  • [ ] Extract test plugin loader
  • [ ] Extract Resources files
  • [ ] Remove the ApplicationParts workaround for .NET 4.5.1
  • [ ] Depend only on strict versions
  • [ ] Make every project.json consistent with the others
  • [ ] Add copyright to project.json files
  • [ ] Fix the version is not valid problem - 1.0.0-*
  • [ ] Add JSON schema for the testconfig.json file
  • [ ] Add base Startup types and interfaces the developer can use for easier registration of test services
  • [ ] Add loading of dependency context from the Startup type when there is base Startup type and interface the developer can use
  • [ ] Add sample with Moq (replace MusicStore custom mock)
  • [ ] Remove default registered routes and do not allow route testing without Startup file or route builder (should change the usage of IControllerFactory in the ModelBinderActionInvoker)
  • [ ] Add Sample with StartsFrom<CustomTestStartup>() which is not from the web assembly itself
  • [ ] Add version and branches to the
  • [ ] Consider allowing configuring the application without Startup class - MyApplication.Running() (add these to every other static starting point)
  • [ ] Multiple ModelState errors for a single key testing
  • [ ] WithRouteData action
  • [ ] Action results do not have AndAlso for ShouldPassFor
  • [ ] NonAnd interfaces may not be needed IAndContentTestBuilder is used everywhere for example
  • [ ] Attribute test builder calls twice the search for attributes almost everywhere
  • [ ] That equals error message can be from a default value from a validation attribute without providing a magic string
  • [ ] Add support for Cookie-based Temp Data
  • [ ] Fix unit test names
  • [ ] Use collections and fixtures in the unit tests - current implementation is not good because of mmultiple startups in project
  • [ ] Move common validators in the services and use them from there (registered through the plugins)
  • [ ] Authorize Attribute - Policy and other properties
  • [ ] Consider the SkipValidation in TestCounter with something a bit more secure
  • [ ] Casts and dynamics can be removed with interfaces not returned by the API
  • [ ] Add symbols to Symbols Source and JSON schema for the test config
  • [ ] Add to documentation
  • [ ] If no base Startup is used, IServiceCollection cannot be resolved
  • [ ] Containing error allows should pass for in model state builder (it should be removed)
  • [ ] Validation Summary model state test should be able to test only the message without the empty key (use etension method with specified generic parameter)
  • [ ] Optimize attribute testing to not instantiate components/call methods

ivaylokenov avatar Jan 14 '16 13:01 ivaylokenov