Ivan Ye. Zhovannik

Results 12 comments of Ivan Ye. Zhovannik

Hello @JoostJM ! I have a similar problem. I have run 1. plastimatch convert on DICOM files (stored in a SQLite DB), 2. pyradiomics - the original version - the...

UPD: I thought that problem might lie in DICOM-RT->NRRD being different from IBSI nii files. However, it does not seem to be the case. I did run niftis through raw...

@CamDavidsonPilon - is there a way to introduce/rewrite coefficients of CoxPHFitter? I am trying to average coefficients obtained in an augmented dataset: each sample has its fitter, but in the...

@CamDavidsonPilon thanks for the SUPER swift response. Ideally, I would love to have the object based on N other Cox fitters, but for now, weighting N objects makes sense to...

If you have such a problem using different Python versions or using Windows consider running it with **Docker**: https://github.com/nicolov/segmentation_keras/tree/master/conversion https://github.com/ivanzhovannik/convert_caffe_windows

If you have such a problem using different Python versions or using Windows consider running it with **Docker**: https://github.com/nicolov/segmentation_keras/tree/master/conversion https://github.com/ivanzhovannik/convert_caffe_windows

If you have such a problem using different Python versions consider running it with **docker**: https://github.com/nicolov/segmentation_keras/tree/master/conversion https://github.com/ivanzhovannik/convert_caffe_windows

@claudiobottari I have got bunch of those, too :( Basically `self.tot_dfs` and `self.tot_bfs` have a set of different arguments and no unified wrapper around them, so I edited the [TreeofThoughts...

Hi @silkezimm, In order to give you good advice, could you please share more info about our `.npy` file? Given file name `filename.npy` (_change to your file name_), please run...

@silkezimm like any other command in cmd/bash/other shell, I guess. See the usage here: https://pyradiomics.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html See more in Python’s argparse package how to pass flags such as —params