Ivan Visconti
Ivan Visconti
I can work on finding solution and indeed I've done it 2 weeks ago already, see issue #27. I'm still waiting for an answer from the immuni team. I can...
Yes, see issue #27. I've proposed a fix. After two weeks there is no feedback from the immuni team. Here I've opened an issue because there is apparently a deanonimization...
@FredBonux you have asked questions in this discussion and in other discussions (clearly showing that you did not read well enough the text of the issue). If you want to...
> Usually mobile devices haven't a public IP but are behind a NAT Correct, that's why my issue points out a collusion between ISP (i.e., mobile network operator) and SOGEI...
@immuniopensource first of all thank you for answering. Thank you also for admitting that deanonymization is possible in case ISP and SOGEI collude. You should perhaps explicitly mention such risks...
answering @FredBonux > Infected people can choose to upload their codes or not. They should be aware of whether the upload is prone to secret surveillance or not; this is...
@FredBonux you did not understand what I wrote in the issue. Check the text " passing nearby key locations during the prior two weeks ". The word "prior" refers to...
I've answered enough questions to @FredBonux, and everyone can check the quality of the questions. I need to protect myself from DoS attacks, so I'll not continue and I'll wait...
> @ivanvisconti ennesima domanda sullo standard Apple/Google, motivo per cui non riceverai mai una risposta, perché non è il team di Immuni che ha scritto lo standard, ma l'ha solo...
@48656c6c6f20576f726c64 le API di Apple/Google non impongono il modo con cui si invano i TEKs al server. La modalità con cui lo fa Immuni è una pura scelta del design...