multi-keywords-highlighter copied to clipboard
Request: Port to Chrome.
Acknowledgement of difficulty: This request recognizes that porting any program is a huge undertaking and requires a lot of time and effort typically by multiple people as well as generating the teams necessary to maintain the port moving forward.
Claim: That being said, it should at the very least be noted that this version of a highlighter might dominate the competition in the Google Chrome market place as so far there doesn't appear to be another add-on in that market that can do what this one is currently capable of doing. Some come close, but actually can't highlight phrases, or they use the same color for all the highlights, or they are difficult for some users, etc.
Credentials for making the above claim: My credential for making such a claim is that I have tried the majority of add-ons in the chrome market place that can perform highlighting for the purpose of finding search results, and according to the comments on those add-ons and my own testing of them, your add-on ("multi-keywords-highlighter", after adding another poster's feature request for jumping forwards and backwards through the highlighted text) would on first glance appear to meet the needs being requested by the Chrome community myself included.
Feature Requested: If you have enough time, or if enough developers get involved, then please port this add-on to the Google Chrome web-browser.