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typesafe-i18n is UNMAINTAINED - Ivan Hofer passed away

Open samuelstroschein opened this issue 11 months ago • 30 comments

Hi everyone,

Ivan Hofer passed away.

As a college, TypeScript master, i18n enthusiast, and Svelte lover, Ivan is deeply missed. Ivan Hofer invested a lot of time into typesafe-i18n, answering many questions and improving the library.

What will happen to typesafe-i18n?

If nobody steps forward to fork the repository, typesafe-i18n is unmaintained.

What library should I use?

  1. Typesafe-i18n is stable, as indicated by the number of open issues, and might still be a fit for your project.
  2. The suggestion for an i18n solution is stack-dependent. Thus, it's best to google "i18n for Svelte, React, Vue, etc." to find an appropriate solution.
  3. Consider Inlang paraglide, the typesafe-i18n successor that Ivan Hofer was worked on.

samuelstroschein avatar Sep 03 '23 18:09 samuelstroschein

Oh it is sad

bangdragon avatar Sep 03 '23 20:09 bangdragon

@samuelstroschein why he passed away

bangdragon avatar Sep 04 '23 06:09 bangdragon

@bangdragon He participated in a mountain marathon and was found dead a few kilometers before the finish line. The reason for his collapse is unknown. Here is a newspaper article.

samuelstroschein avatar Sep 04 '23 07:09 samuelstroschein

Man, that's so sad. May he rest in peace.


multiplehats avatar Sep 05 '23 11:09 multiplehats

Did he take covid vaccine?

bangdragon avatar Sep 05 '23 13:09 bangdragon

stay safe everyone, At least he contributed a good deed and helped so many people because of this repo, before he passed away

trapeye avatar Sep 06 '23 14:09 trapeye

stay safe everyone, At least he contributed a good deed and helped so many people because of this repo, before he passed away

Look at reality so you can be alive is better than die and don't know why

bangdragon avatar Sep 06 '23 14:09 bangdragon

May he rest in peace. A huge loss for our community and the world. My condolences and all the love and support to the family and the TS/Svelte/Inlang community.

BRGustavoRibeiro avatar Sep 06 '23 18:09 BRGustavoRibeiro

Rest in peace

blagowtf avatar Sep 07 '23 20:09 blagowtf

Rest in peace. We all love you.

anhtuank7c avatar Sep 10 '23 04:09 anhtuank7c


penjj avatar Sep 11 '23 15:09 penjj


sshmaxime avatar Sep 13 '23 09:09 sshmaxime

I invoke this community to vote for @ivanhofer as a GitHub star: https://stars.github.com/nominate/

It would be a nice tribute to him and his work.

oscard0m avatar Sep 13 '23 21:09 oscard0m

Ruhe in Frieden Ivan

dominic-schmid avatar Sep 14 '23 05:09 dominic-schmid

RIP King

oliverjohns avatar Sep 15 '23 18:09 oliverjohns

I just learned about this. Rest in peace, Ivan. My condolences to his friends and family.

aloker avatar Sep 16 '23 12:09 aloker


Pukimaa avatar Sep 16 '23 13:09 Pukimaa

stay safe everyone, At least he contributed a good deed and helped so many people because of this repo, before he passed away

Look at reality so you can be alive is better than die and don't know why

Go f*ck yourself, man. True, nobody knows what happened there and whether covid/vaccines affected him, but show some respect. Since you're in this repo - his work helped you in some way, so don't be a dickhead and filter your speech

RIP, Ivan

the-night-wing avatar Sep 18 '23 10:09 the-night-wing

stay safe everyone, At least he contributed a good deed and helped so many people because of this repo, before he passed away

Look at reality so you can be alive is better than die and don't know why

Go f*ck yourself, man. True, nobody knows what happened there and whether covid/vaccines affected him, but show some respect. Since you're in this repo - his work helped you in some way, so don't be a dickhead and filter your speech

RIP, Ivan

I just want people to get rid of vc. This can cause de ath

bangdragon avatar Sep 18 '23 13:09 bangdragon

My condolences to Ivan's family and girlfriend. His contributions and low latency feedback was an inspiration for the i18n and {type,java}script communites.

You will be remembered, Ivan. 🌹

jbergstroem avatar Sep 19 '23 00:09 jbergstroem

All my condoleances go to his relatives and friends, and I would love to thank him thoroughly for all the great work he's done and the input he has provided as a respected web developer among us.

raremiroir avatar Sep 20 '23 14:09 raremiroir


seho-dev avatar Oct 24 '23 14:10 seho-dev

@samuelstroschein how far is the paraglide-js lib now ? I saw you had a pre release recently.

anthonylaflamme avatar Nov 30 '23 14:11 anthonylaflamme

@anthonylaflamme it is in pre-release with many users using it already https://inlang.com/m/gerre34r/library-inlang-paraglideJs

samuelstroschein avatar Nov 30 '23 14:11 samuelstroschein


akopachov avatar Dec 11 '23 13:12 akopachov

RIP. Sad. @samuelstroschein Can you update the README to warn the repo is unmaintained?

vladev avatar Feb 10 '24 11:02 vladev


codenoid avatar Feb 10 '24 13:02 codenoid

@vladev Unfortunately, nobody has maintenance rights other than Ivan Hofer's GitHub account

samuelstroschein avatar Feb 10 '24 18:02 samuelstroschein

cc @nat @github his legacy must remains exist

codenoid avatar Feb 10 '24 20:02 codenoid

@vladev Unfortunately, nobody has maintenance rights other than Ivan Hofer's GitHub account

my 2 cents would be the github deceased user policy

Also depending on how close ur relationship was you may be able to provide enough proof to atleast get the repo archived and a notice added from githubs side. some smaller news outlets did cover it, first thing that comes up when googleing him nowadays. Maybe thats sufficient.

may he rest in peace

03x6 avatar Feb 16 '24 13:02 03x6