Ivan Greene
Ivan Greene
have a src vs build version, separate different pieces in src for readability, find a build tool
- [x] Don't spit out such a huge error message - [ ] Find a better way than `Promise.all` to allow the command to continue (maybe another cli option?) upon...
`autoload/vebugger/std.vim`, line 205: `bufwinnr(a:readResult.std.location.file)` may erroneously return a value > -1 if a file currently open in the editor has a name that is a superset of the file being...
Trying to load the dylib on Apple silicon gives this error: ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /private/var/folders/1b/331lr8s90xxcdx51x0pbwc7w0000gn/T/libjava-tree-sitter.dylib: dlopen(/private/var/folders/1b/331lr8s90xxcdx51x0pbwc7w0000gn/T/libjava-tree-sitter.dylib, 0x0001): tried: '/private/var/folders/1b/331lr8s90xxcdx51x0pbwc7w0000gn/T/libjava-tree-sitter.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have...
Since a recent (not sure which) macOS version, hidutil exits with this message if trying to remap some keys: ``` Run as root to remap alphanumerics / special characters with...
Attempting to deserialize json into a Map with enum keys will result in the instance having String keys at runtime. Using an enum as the value side of a Map...
Some might want to be aware of any unsupported annotations being used (and log them at least)
It makes sense to just support breaking out of the type inference in two basic ways, for types that are not yet supported or for custom extension. I'm imagining this...
Maybe run the tests separately, and use this trick when doing the release: https://blog.jdriven.com/2022/11/mastering-maven-exclude-modules-from-build/