spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch copied to clipboard

The goal of this project is to implement a "News" processing pipeline composed of five Spring Boot applications: producer-api, categorizer-service, collector-service, publisher-api and news-client.

= spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch

The goal of this project is to implement a "News" processing pipeline composed of five https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/[Spring Boot] applications: producer-api, categorizer-service, collector-service, publisher-api and news-client.

== Proof-of-Concepts & Articles

On https://ivangfr.github.io[ivangfr.github.io], I have compiled my Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and articles. You can easily search for the technology you are interested in by using the filter. Who knows, perhaps I have already implemented a PoC or written an article about what you are looking for.

== Additional Readings

  • [Medium]: https://medium.com/javarevisited/implementing-a-kafka-producer-and-consumer-using-spring-cloud-stream-d4b9a6a9eab1[Implementing a Kafka Producer and Consumer using Spring Cloud Stream]
  • [Medium]: https://medium.com/javarevisited/implementing-unit-tests-for-a-kafka-producer-and-consumer-that-uses-spring-cloud-stream-f7a98a89fcf2[Implementing Unit Tests for a Kafka Producer and Consumer that uses Spring Cloud Stream]
  • [Medium]: https://medium.com/javarevisited/implementing-end-to-end-testing-for-a-kafka-producer-and-consumer-that-uses-spring-cloud-stream-fbf5e666899e[Implementing End-to-End testing for a Kafka Producer and Consumer that uses Spring Cloud Stream]
  • [Medium]: https://medium.com/javarevisited/configuring-distributed-tracing-with-zipkin-in-a-kafka-producer-and-consumer-that-uses-spring-cloud-9f1e55468b9e[Configuring Distributed Tracing with Zipkin in a Kafka Producer and Consumer that uses Spring Cloud Stream]
  • [Medium]: https://medium.com/@ivangfr/using-cloudevents-in-a-kafka-producer-and-consumer-that-uses-spring-cloud-stream-9c51670b5566[Using Cloudevents in a Kafka Producer and Consumer that uses Spring Cloud Stream]

== Technologies used

  • https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/current/reference/html/[Spring Cloud Stream] to build highly scalable event-driven applications connected with shared messaging systems;
  • https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-schema-registry/current/reference/html/spring-cloud-schema-registry.html[Spring Cloud Schema Registry] that supports schema evolution so that the data can be evolved over time; besides, it lets you store schema information in a textual format (typically JSON) and makes that information accessible to various applications that need it to receive and send data in binary format;
  • https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/elasticsearch/docs/current/reference/html/[Spring Data Elasticsearch] to persist data in https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch[Elasticsearch];
  • https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-openfeign/docs/current/reference/html/[Spring Cloud OpenFeign] to write web service clients easily;
  • https://www.thymeleaf.org/[Thymeleaf] as HTML template;
  • https://zipkin.io[Zipkin] to visualize traces between and within applications;
  • https://github.com/Netflix/eureka[Eureka] as service registration and discovery.

NOTE: In https://github.com/ivangfr/docker-swarm-environment[docker-swarm-environment] repository, it is shown how to deploy this project into a cluster of Docker Engines in swarm mode.

== Project Architecture


== Applications

  • producer-api

Spring Boot Web Java application that creates news and pushes news events to producer.news topic in Kafka.

  • categorizer-service

Spring Boot Web Java application that listens to news events in producer.news topic in Kafka, categorizes and pushes them to categorizer.news topic.

  • collector-service

Spring Boot Web Java application that listens for news events in categorizer.news topic in Kafka, saves them in Elasticsearch and pushes the news events to collector.news topic.

  • publisher-api

Spring Boot Web Java application that reads directly from Elasticsearch and exposes a REST API. It doesn't listen from Kafka.

  • news-client

Spring Boot Web java application that provides a User Interface to see the news. It implements a Websocket that consumes news events from the topic collector.news. So, news are updated on the fly on the main page. Besides, news-client communicates directly with publisher-api whenever search for a specific news or news update are needed. + The Websocket operation is shown in the short gif below. News is created in producer-api and, immediately, it is shown in news-client. + image::documentation/websocket-operation.gif[]

== Prerequisites

  • https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#java17[Java 17+]
  • https://www.docker.com/[Docker]

== Generate NewsEvent

  • In a terminal, make sure you are in spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch root folder

  • Run the following command to generate NewsEvent


./mvnw clean install --projects commons-news

It will install commons-news-1.0.0.jar in you local Maven repository, so that it can be visible by all services.

== Start Environment

  • Open a terminal and inside spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch root folder run


docker compose up -d

  • Wait for Docker containers to be up and running. To check it, run


docker compose ps

== Running Applications with Maven

Inside spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch root folder, run the following Maven commands in different terminals

  • eureka-server


./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects eureka-server

  • producer-api


./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects producer-api -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Dserver.port=9080"

  • categorizer-service


./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects categorizer-service -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Dserver.port=9081"

  • collector-service


./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects collector-service -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Dserver.port=9082"

  • publisher-api


./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects publisher-api -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Dserver.port=9083"

  • news-client


./mvnw clean spring-boot:run --projects news-client

== Running Applications as Docker containers

=== Build Application's Docker Image

  • In a terminal, make sure you are in spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch root folder

  • In order to build the application's docker images, run the following script



=== Application's Environment Variables

  • producer-api

|=== |Environment Variable | Description

|KAFKA_HOST |Specify host of the Kafka message broker to use (default localhost)

|KAFKA_PORT |Specify port of the Kafka message broker to use (default 29092)

|SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST |Specify host of the Schema Registry to use (default localhost)

|SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT |Specify port of the Schema Registry to use (default 8081)

|EUREKA_HOST |Specify host of the Eureka service discovery to use (default localhost)

|EUREKA_PORT |Specify port of the Eureka service discovery to use (default 8761)

|ZIPKIN_HOST |Specify host of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default localhost)

|ZIPKIN_PORT |Specify port of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default 9411)


  • categorizer-service

|=== |Environment Variable | Description

|KAFKA_HOST |Specify host of the Kafka message broker to use (default localhost)

|KAFKA_PORT |Specify port of the Kafka message broker to use (default 29092)

|SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST |Specify host of the Schema Registry to use (default localhost)

|SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT |Specify port of the Schema Registry to use (default 8081)

|EUREKA_HOST |Specify host of the Eureka service discovery to use (default localhost)

|EUREKA_PORT |Specify port of the Eureka service discovery to use (default 8761)

|ZIPKIN_HOST |Specify host of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default localhost)

|ZIPKIN_PORT |Specify port of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default 9411)


  • collector-service

|=== |Environment Variable | Description

|ELASTICSEARCH_HOST |Specify host of the Elasticsearch search engine to use (default localhost)

|ELASTICSEARCH_NODES_PORT |Specify nodes port of the Elasticsearch search engine to use (default 9300)

|ELASTICSEARCH_REST_PORT |Specify rest port of the Elasticsearch search engine to use (default 9200)

|KAFKA_HOST |Specify host of the Kafka message broker to use (default localhost)

|KAFKA_PORT |Specify port of the Kafka message broker to use (default 29092)

|SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST |Specify host of the Schema Registry to use (default localhost)

|SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT |Specify port of the Schema Registry to use (default 8081)

|EUREKA_HOST |Specify host of the Eureka service discovery to use (default localhost)

|EUREKA_PORT |Specify port of the Eureka service discovery to use (default 8761)

|ZIPKIN_HOST |Specify host of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default localhost)

|ZIPKIN_PORT |Specify port of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default 9411)


  • publisher-api

|=== |Environment Variable | Description

|ELASTICSEARCH_HOST |Specify host of the Elasticsearch search engine to use (default localhost)

|ELASTICSEARCH_NODES_PORT |Specify nodes port of the Elasticsearch search engine to use (default 9300)

|ELASTICSEARCH_REST_PORT |Specify rest port of the Elasticsearch search engine to use (default 9200)

|EUREKA_HOST |Specify host of the Eureka service discovery to use (default localhost)

|EUREKA_PORT |Specify port of the Eureka service discovery to use (default 8761)

|ZIPKIN_HOST |Specify host of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default localhost)

|ZIPKIN_PORT |Specify port of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default 9411)


  • news-client

|=== |Environment Variable | Description

|KAFKA_HOST |Specify host of the Kafka message broker to use (default localhost)

|KAFKA_PORT |Specify port of the Kafka message broker to use (default 29092)

|SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST |Specify host of the Schema Registry to use (default localhost)

|SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT |Specify port of the Schema Registry to use (default 8081)

|EUREKA_HOST |Specify host of the Eureka service discovery to use (default localhost)

|EUREKA_PORT |Specify port of the Eureka service discovery to use (default 8761)

|ZIPKIN_HOST |Specify host of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default localhost)

|ZIPKIN_PORT |Specify port of the Zipkin distributed tracing system to use (default 9411)


=== Run Application's Docker Container

  • In a terminal, make sure you are inside spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch root folder

  • Run following script



== Applications URLs

|=== |Application |URL

|producer-api |http://localhost:9080/swagger-ui.html

|publisher-api |http://localhost:9083/swagger-ui.html

|news-client |http://localhost:8080


== Useful links

  • Eureka

Eureka can be accessed at http://localhost:8761

  • Zipkin

Zipkin can be accessed at http://localhost:9411

  • Kafka Topics UI

Kafka Topics UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8085

  • Kafka Manager

Kafka Manager can be accessed at http://localhost:9001 + Configuration +

  • First, you must create a new cluster. Click on Cluster (dropdown button on the header) and then on Add Cluster
  • Type the name of your cluster in Cluster Name field, for example: MyCluster
  • Type zookeeper:2181 in Cluster Zookeeper Hosts field
  • Enable checkbox Poll consumer information (Not recommended for large # of consumers if ZK is used for offsets tracking on older Kafka versions)
  • Click on Save button at the bottom of the page.
  • Schema Registry UI

Schema Registry UI can be accessed at http://localhost:8001

  • Elasticsearch REST API

Check ES is up and running + [source]

curl localhost:9200

Check indexes + [source]

curl "localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v"

Check news index mapping + [source]

curl "localhost:9200/news/_mapping?pretty"

Simple search + [source]

curl "localhost:9200/news/_search?pretty"

Delete news index + [source]

curl -X DELETE localhost:9200/news

== Shutdown

  • To stop applications ** If they were started with Maven, go to the terminals where they are running and press Ctrl+C ** If they were started as Docker containers, go to a terminal and, inside spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch root folder, run the script below



  • To stop and remove docker compose containers, network and volumes, go to a terminal and, inside spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch root folder, run the following command


docker compose down -v

== Cleanup

To remove the Docker images created by this project, go to a terminal and, inside spring-cloud-stream-kafka-elasticsearch root folder, run the script below [source]
