phockup copied to clipboard
Copy2 chmod error - Prefix and Suffix options
Theres a bug in copy2, that if a system doesn't support chmod it throws an OSError exeception. There been an issue open since 2016 for this, go see shutils. Anyhow when using phockup of a NFS mounted drive chmod is not available , so added catch for OSError.
Also added two options for adding text to the files name either as a prefix or a suffix or both. in the case of suffix the text in added before the extension. I need to keep the original file name but add some text so I could identify the copies.
Sorry, I should have done this on a branch but was did it as I was sorting out my photos.
Can someone with Windows test this one and let me know if the PR fixes the issue as I don't have Windows computer right now?
It seems that I missed you comment, variables renamed.
Can you please resolve the conflicts. Also I still need someone to test it on Windows.