extjs-upload-widget copied to clipboard
"Ext.util.Observable#addEvents" is deprecated.
Using Ext 5.0.1, you will get the error: "Ext.util.Observable#addEvents" is deprecated.
See this ticket (http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?198969-Observable-deprecate-addEvents)
"You don't need the addEvents call. The event will get added the first time it's fired, or the first time a listener is added. Whichever comes first."
I just commented out the addEvent calls to make it work.
You can follow their suggested method of documenting the events like so:
* @event submit
* @preventable doSubmit
* Fires upon successful (Ajax-based) form submission
* @param {Ext.form.Panel} this This FormPanel
* @param {Object} result The result object as returned by the server
* @param {Ext.EventObject} e The event object
You are right. That piece of code is there since the addEvents
was beeing used :).
And I haven't tested the widget with Ext JS 5 yet, I doesn't expect it to work without some modifications.
What do I need to do in order to get this to work with Ext JS 5?
I'd be very interested in seeing this project modified to work with Ext JS 5.
im working on it. soon it will be availible ...
about Ext.util.Observable#addEvents" is deprecated. ... just remove it - in ExtJS 5 - Events added automatically
@Grey2k, @ivan-novakov any chances there will be ExtJS5 version in near future?
so, all i should have to do is remove addEvents from all files?
yep )
Gyus - its almost done ) Today i start tested it in production and soon make the resease.
its will work only on ExtJS > 5.0.2 cause this bug
selModel : Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
checkOnly: true, // not working