Ivan Liljeqvist
Ivan Liljeqvist
Yea exactly I realize now it’s not the correct repo for this issue - I can move it to the dashboard repo?
No I am referring to the ACL column. It says "Public Read and Write" for all rows. Each user can only get Sessions belonging to them. Therefore the UI should...
Yes we will check!
Hm we will check I’ll see if we have someone with svelte experience if you can submit a fix as PR yourself that will fix this issue - feel free
@bard great feedback! Also for everyones knowledge we have early alpha versions available to try already (very early) https://www.npmjs.com/package/moralis/v/2.0.0-alpha.1 https://github.com/MoralisWeb3/Moralis-JS-SDK/releases/tag/moralis%402.0.0-alpha.1
Post issues in https://forum.Moralis.io
Can't connect to local dev chain (Failed running cloud function getTokenBalances for user undefined)
Yes we will add support for it for some endpoints that don’t require indexing 🙌
Can't connect to local dev chain (Failed running cloud function getTokenBalances for user undefined)
And then see how we can add the rest
Can't connect to local dev chain (Failed running cloud function getTokenBalances for user undefined)
I would use Rinkeby as it’s very active testnet - relatively easy to get test coins etc
please make a merge request if you know how to fix