> meanwhile look at https://github.com/lucasmz1/Qemu_Appimage > > closed issue for instructions... > (normal qemu commands) have you tried it? is it working for you? I'm not much experienced with QEMU,...
OK, don't esitate to ask me if you need some help with the packaging
OK, using my ArchImage method should be enough to install quickemu the way you do on Arch Linux. Tell me if there are dependences not listed in the PKGBUILD (in...
Just tried to build it using ArchImage method, I get this error due to your .desktop file ``` appimagetool, continuous build (commit 5735cc5), build built on 2023-03-08 22:52:04 UTC /home/ivan/Scrivania/tmp/quickemu.AppDir/quickemu.desktop:...
Just rebult successfully, only missing "fzf", I have to rebuilt it again.
Created and runs well, I'll show you a video on how the script and the Appimage work for me: https://github.com/oSoWoSo/DistroHopper/assets/88724353/ed1600eb-338d-4ead-b6e9-117a243cd55c Also rename the file [quickemu.sh.txt](https://github.com/oSoWoSo/DistroHopper/files/12754401/quickemu.sh.txt) to quickemu.sh and made it...
if I press C notting happens... I must press CTRL+C to kill the process what about your side? I don't really know how to use this stuff.
in case you want to investigate, run the script AppRun into the AppDir, here are my instructions: ``` cd quickemu.AppDir/ HOME=./ ./AppRun ``` also remove ` 2> /dev/null` at the...
> where you getting quickemu? from aur? yes, JuNest is a containerized version of Arch Linux, so I install everything from Arch Linux using pacman and yay >/etc/profile.d/debuginfod.sh: line 9:...
The best practice would be to create the AppImage with the full JuNest installation (it can be more than 600 MB, or even bigger), then, if everything works, to remove...