easy-add icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
easy-add copied to clipboard

A utility for easily adding a file from a downloaded archive during Docker builds

GitHub release (latest SemVer) test

A utility for easily adding a file from a downloaded archive during Docker builds


Running the binary with --help can be used to obtain usage at any time.

  -file path
    	The path to executable to extract within archive
  -from URL
    	URL of a tar.gz archive to download. May contain Go template references to 'var' entries.
    	Attempt to create the directory path specified by to
  -to path
    	The path where executable will be placed (default "/usr/local/bin")
  -var name=value
    	Sets variables that can be referenced in 'from'. Format is name=value (default os=linux,arch=amd64)
    	Show version and exit

Template variables in from

The from argument is process as a Go template with var as the context. For example, repetition in the URL can be simplified such as:

--var version=1.2.0 \
--from https://github.com/itzg/restify/releases/download/{{.version}}/restify_{{.version}}_{{.os}}_{{.arch}}.tar.gz

Example usage within Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu

ADD https://github.com/itzg/easy-add/releases/download/${EASY_ADD_VER}/easy-add_${EASY_ADD_VER}_linux_amd64 /usr/bin/easy-add
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/easy-add

RUN easy-add --var version=1.2.0 --var app=restify --file restify --from https://github.com/itzg/{{.app}}/releases/download/{{.version}}/{{.app}}_{{.version}}_linux_amd64.tar.gz

Dockerfile usage with BuildKit and multi-arch builds

# hook into docker BuildKit --platform support
# see https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#automatic-platform-args-in-the-global-scope

ADD https://github.com/itzg/easy-add/releases/download/${EASY_ADD_VER}/easy-add_${TARGETOS}_${TARGETARCH}${TARGETVARIANT} /usr/bin/easy-add
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/easy-add

Alternative when adding only a single archived-binary

easy-add is somewhat overkill adding only a single archived-binary to a Docker image. The following is an alternative solution that doesn't require curl to be installed in the image:

ADD https://github.com/itzg/rcon-cli/releases/download/1.4.7/rcon-cli_1.4.7_linux_amd64.tar.gz /tmp/rcon-cli.tgz
RUN tar -xf /tmp/rcon-cli.tgz -C /usr/local/bin rcon-cli && rm /tmp/rcon-cli.tgz