docker-minecraft-bedrock-server icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-minecraft-bedrock-server copied to clipboard

ALLOW_CHEATS seems not working

Open ghost opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments


I have pulled latest version and published on docker. What I have seen is that inserting the ENV tag ALLOW_CHEATS seems does not take any effect (minecraft bedrock On chat cheats are not working.

Here's the log file:

Looking up latest version... Downloading Bedrock server version ... 2023/01/14 17:52:17 Setting server-name to terrapromessa in 2023/01/14 17:52:17 Setting difficulty to normal in 2023/01/14 17:52:17 Setting allow-cheats to true in Starting Bedrock server... NO LOG FILE! - setting up server logging... [2023-01-14 17:52:17:136 INFO] Starting Server [2023-01-14 17:52:17:136 INFO] Version [2023-01-14 17:52:17:136 INFO] Session ID 568f99f2-89a9-4bf4-89b9-df86a84551a4 [2023-01-14 17:52:17:136 INFO] Level Name: Bedrock level [2023-01-14 17:52:17:137 INFO] Game mode: 0 Survival [2023-01-14 17:52:17:137 INFO] Difficulty: 2 NORMAL [2023-01-14 17:52:17:190 INFO] opening worlds/Bedrock level/db [2023-01-14 17:52:17:729 INFO] IPv4 supported, port: 19132: Used for gameplay and LAN discovery [2023-01-14 17:52:17:729 INFO] IPv6 not supported [2023-01-14 17:52:18:958 INFO] Server started. [2023-01-14 17:52:18:008 INFO] ================ TELEMETRY MESSAGE =================== [2023-01-14 17:52:18:008 INFO] Server Telemetry is currently not enabled. [2023-01-14 17:52:18:008 INFO] Enabling this telemetry helps us improve the game. [2023-01-14 17:52:18:008 INFO] [2023-01-14 17:52:18:008 INFO] To enable this feature, add the line 'emit-server-telemetry=true' [2023-01-14 17:52:18:008 INFO] to the file in the handheld/src-server directory [2023-01-14 17:52:18:008 INFO] ====================================================== [2023-01-14 17:52:59:859 INFO] Player connected: xxxxxxxxx, xuid: 2535473159629268 [2023-01-14 17:53:03:863 INFO] Player Spawned: xxxxxxxxxxuid: 2535473159629268

Did I miss something? Many thanks Alberto

ghost avatar Jan 14 '23 18:01 ghost

I believe some of the properties like those are only applied when the world data is first generated. After that you will need to use the corresponding command.

itzg avatar Jan 14 '23 19:01 itzg

Once you have restarted you need to make yourself an operator. Run /op from the server console after you have started your server with enable_cheats

This worked just fine for me.

rijesha avatar Feb 12 '23 01:02 rijesha

I ran into a similar issue and had to grant myself operator permissions by setting the OPS environment variable. One important piece I missed is the OPS variable is expecting your XUID and not your player name. So from your logs you'd need to set OPS as follows: -e OPS "2535473159629268"

billcobbler avatar May 23 '23 01:05 billcobbler