Exonerate copied to clipboard
JSONSchema -> Elixir code generator
A JSONSchema -> Elixir compiler
Erlang 26.0 warning
There is a bug in the Erlang compiler that causes Exonerate to fail on OTP version 26.0. Please use 26.1 or an earlier version or OTP.
Documentation is available at: https://hexdocs.pm/exonerate
Accuracy benchmark relative to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4
Performance (speed) benchmark relative to other elixir JSONSchema libraries
JsonSchema support scope:
Currently supports JSONSchema drafts 4, 6, 7, 2019, 2020. except:
multipleOf is not supported for number types. This is because elixir does not support a floating point remainder guard, and also because it is impossible for a floating point to guarantee sane results (e.g. for IEEE Float64,
1.2 / 0.1 != 12
) -
id fields with fragments in their uri identifier
dynamicRefs and anchors.
contentMediaType, contentEncoding:
Because Exonerate doesn't return the validated structured data, validating based on these filters will likely require a costly decode/parse step whose results will be immediately thrown away.
- by default, ALL strings are considered to be invalid unless they are valid
UTF-8 encodings and will be validated. If you require a raw binary, for example
if you are ingesting raw data in
, use the{"format": "binary"}
filter on your string.
Add the following lines to your mix.exs
defp deps do
{:exonerate, "~> 1.1.0", runtime: false},
Quick Start
defmodule SchemaModule do
require Exonerate
Exonerate.function_from_string(:def, :validate_input, """
iex> SchemaModule.validate_input("some string")
{:error, error_value: "some string", instance_location: "/", absolute_keyword_location: "#/type"}
iex> SchemaModule.validate_input(%{"parameter" => "2"})
{:error, error_value: "2", instance_location: "/parameter", absolute_keyword_location: "#/properties/parameter/type"}
iex> SchemaModule.validate_input(%{"parameter" => 2})
Licensing notes
This software contains verbatim code from https://github.com/json-schema-org/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite which is copyright Julian Berman, et. al, and released under the MIT license.