react-native-video-controls icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-video-controls copied to clipboard

video not work in ios

Open mohamedanwer123 opened this issue 3 years ago • 9 comments

video not work in ios but work fine in android

and git this error : video unavailable

react native : 63.5

my code :

<VideoPlayer source={{ uri: '' }} tapAnywhereToPause repeat />

mohamedanwer123 avatar Feb 05 '21 10:02 mohamedanwer123

Any solution? It just started showing all of a sudden

ram4git avatar Mar 28 '21 05:03 ram4git

Yes, am i also facing the same issue, It was working fine fews days back and all of sudden it started showing me video unavailable error. Did you guys find any solution for this ?

here is the error that i receive in onError method: {"error": {"code": -11829, "domain": "AVFoundationErrorDomain", "localizedDescription": "Cannot Open", "localizedFailureReason": "This media may be damaged.", "localizedRecoverySuggestion": ""}, "target": 9499}

but that is not the reason , as i have checked by hitting my video url at web browser and it shows me the video without any error.

GuleriaAshish avatar Jul 29 '21 05:07 GuleriaAshish

Hi Guys @GuleriaAshish @ram4git @mohamedanwer123 did you find any solution

sushilbansal avatar Jan 07 '22 09:01 sushilbansal

I wasted 3 days for this issue, please help me.

Great-hijack avatar Jan 22 '22 16:01 Great-hijack

any solution ?

dhairyasenjaliya avatar Jun 16 '22 10:06 dhairyasenjaliya

Hey any word on this? I am stuck also.

achall9 avatar Jul 29 '22 21:07 achall9


source={{ type: 'mp4', uri: '' }}

Seems to work. But I'm using React Native 0.68.0. Which might have something to do with it.

jhjdev avatar Aug 02 '22 13:08 jhjdev

if you are using the encrypt or drm you need to activated the apple fairplay

cihanbas avatar Sep 21 '22 06:09 cihanbas

have resolved this issue by adding NSAppTransportSecurity to true in info.plist.


imyuvsinha avatar May 21 '23 05:05 imyuvsinha