docker-decap-cms-standalone icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-decap-cms-standalone copied to clipboard

Easy-to-use Docker image to self-host Decap CMS (formerly Netlify CMS).


Note Formerly docker-netlify-cms-standalone. In early 2023 Netlify CMS was rebranded to Decap CMS under new ownership (see post).

Easy-to-use Docker image to self-host Decap CMS (without using Netlify).

Includes Decap CMS + an external authentication provider to allow auth with Github/Gitlab.

Why use Decap CMS? Decap CMS is a headless CMS that presents a clean UI for editing content (e.g. markdown files) stored in a Git repository. Easy to configure with a YAML config file - a simple and flexible way to add content to any site built with a static site generator.

View on Docker Hub 🐳

Getting started

You will need Docker installed on your system

To get started using

docker run -d \
  -p 80:80 \
  -e ORIGINS='<your root url>' \
  -e OAUTH_CLIENT_ID='<your_github_client_id>' \
  -e OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET='<your_github_client_secret>' \
  -v ./my-local-conf.yml:/app/config.yml:ro \
  --name decap-cms \
  --restart=always \

See also: "Supplying a valid config.yml file"

Environment variables:

  • ORIGINS: the root url Decap CMS will be accessible from (i.e. Can contain more than one (comma-separated). Can contain regex (e.g. .*
  • OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: need to provide from Github (see below). Additionally:
  • GIT_HOSTNAME: for enterprise Github installations.


  1. Visit Github and go to Settings > Developer settings > OAuth Apps
  2. Create a 'New OAuth App' with: Homepage URL = your application homepage (i.e. Authorization callback URL = {origin}/callback (i.e.

To get starting using

docker run -d \
  -p 80:80 \
  -e ORIGINS='<your root url>' \
  -e OAUTH_CLIENT_ID='<your_gitlab_client_id>' \
  -e OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET='<your_gitlab_client_secret>' \
  -e GIT_HOSTNAME='' \
  -e OAUTH_PROVIDER='gitlab' \
  -e SCOPES='api' \
  -e OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_PATH='/oauth/authorize' \
  -e OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH='/oauth/token' \
  -v ./my-local-conf.yml:/app/config.yml:ro \
  --name decap-cms \
  --restart=always \

See also: "Supplying a valid config.yml file"

Environment variables:

  • ORIGINS: the root url Decap CMS will be accessible from (i.e. Can contain more than one (comma-separated). Can contain regex (e.g. .*
  • OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: need to provide from Gitlab (see further instruction here).
  • OAUTH_PROVIDER, SCOPES, OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_PATH, OAUTH_TOKEN_PATH: don't need to be changed. Additionally:
  • GIT_HOSTNAME: for enterprise Gitlab installations.

TODO: Elaborate more. See here for more information.

Supplying a valid config.yml file

See the example file stored in the repo here.

  • Make sure to update name, repo, and branch to match your backend provider. i.e.:

        name: [github|gitlab]
        repo: itsmejoeeey/test-blog-content
        branch: main
  • Make sure to update base_url to match the origin(s) you passed initially. i.e.:
