angular-pretty-checkable copied to clipboard
Pure angular pretty checkbox / radio directive for angular.
Angular Pretty Checkable
Pure angular pretty checkbox / radio directive. Makes it incredibly simple to have pretty checkboxes / radios in angular.
Actions speak louder than words: See THE DEMO here.
Uses the un-altered css / images from PrettyCheckable
Code based on angular-ui buttons directive.
Dependencies: Angular
Download and include angular-pretty-checkable.js and pretty-checkable.css
Create an angular app and inject pretty-checkable. That's about it.
bower install angular-pretty-checkable
<pretty-checkbox ng-model="" label="'This is one'"></pretty-checkbox>
<pretty-checkbox ng-model="myModel.two" label="'This is two'"></pretty-checkbox>
<pretty-checkbox ng-model="myModel.three" label="'This is three'"></pretty-checkbox>
<pretty-radio value="'one'" ng-model="" label="'This is one'"></pretty-radio>
<pretty-radio value="'two'" ng-model="" label="'This is two'"></pretty-radio>
<pretty-radio value="'three'" ng-model="" label="'This is three'"></pretty-radio>
html label
<pretty-checkbox ng-model="" label="false">
<label>My <i>custom label</i> goes here</label>
checkbox multiple
Uses a single model for multiple checkboxes and stores the values in an array.
<pretty-checkbox multiple ng-model="myModel.checks" label="'This is one'" value="'one'"></pretty-checkbox>
<pretty-checkbox multiple ng-model="myModel.checks" label="'This is two'" value="'two'"></pretty-checkbox>
<pretty-checkbox multiple ng-model="myModel.checks" label="'This is three'" value="'three'"></pretty-checkbox>
- disabled - add disable="true"
- checked - model matches value (for checks defaults to true)
Name | Values | Description |
value | variable or single quoted text | Required for radio Used as true value for checkbox |
label | variable or single quoted text | Optional. Defaults to value if ommited. Set to false remove label. |
disabled | boolean | Disables checkbox if set to true. (also supports ng-disabled) |
label-left | boolean | Puts the label before (left of) the control |
multiple | property | If provided this allows multiple checkboxes to share a single model (stores data as an array) |
The sprites can be customized simply by modifying the sprites files included here. CSS and images are the same as PrettyCheckable see more details about customization on his page.
You can also download the PSD here (thanks to Bruno O. Barros and Arthur Gouveia) for the graphics and css.