Tummala Krishna Kishore
Tummala Krishna Kishore
@nikini even with your demo after upgrading to the 0.1.1 , i'm able to repro the issue..
Sure , here is the package.json of your modified demo ``` { "name": "ionic-gallery-modal-demo", "author": "Ciprian Mocanu", "homepage": "http://mbe.ro/", "private": true, "scripts": { "clean": "ionic-app-scripts clean", "build": "ionic-app-scripts build", "ionic:build":...
@nikini sure, can you tell me what might be the cause of it ? Thanks for the Quick Response and Support .. any help for the Repo i'm there ..
That seems to be interesting one to discuss .. generally transpiling will be taken care by `ionic-app-scripts` . aren't you using them ? or am i missing something here ?
What changes u are referring ? Sent from my iPhone > On 15-Jun-2017, at 7:28 PM, feliperoan wrote: > > Is a simple plugin and what many need, but I...
@nikini Any update on this ?
@lonlie Any Update or this issue or any way to achieve this
@ayaou did you able to find a solution
Hello , Is this able to get working ? @luccastanan can you help out ?