I am slowly starting to understand. Keyword slowly. My understanding is that: 1. inputs for `x_train` and `y_train` will each be 3D, 4D or 5D arrays. 2. The last two...
Thanks! That is a very elegant solution. This is my first time coming across `selectdim`. I updated my code accordingly. The main sticking point I am having is understanding the...
Got it. Thank you for explaining how this works. I'm starting to wrap my head around it. I agree with you. It's better to wait until the summary network is...
@rafaelorozco, I noticed that you merged the PR for the summary network a few weeks ago. I was wondering if you would be able to help me adapt the [Gaussian](https://github.com/itsdfish/NormalizingFlowsTutorials.jl/blob/main/sandbox/gaussian_example.jl)...
@rafaelorozco, no problem at all. I completely understand and appreciate your time. Thanks for the example above. I should have time to look through it later today or tomorrow. By...
I can see the problem you mentioned. The posterior distribution does not change much from the prior distribution, even if the sample size is at max (100). I didn't see...
I am working with a model that might be a good candidate. I'm not quite sure when it will be ready. Would you still be interested in considering a model...
Sorry for the long delay. The model I originally wanted to share is still not ready. However, I can share a similar model which has the benefit of being simpler....
@mhauru, thank you for the detailed analysis and explanation. I agree with your assessment that it is unrelated to Turing.
I can submit a PR to make a note about circular statistics. I'm not sure where to update the docs, but I identified at least three places where the docs...