Some CI API URLs: (job #241) The first URL unfortunately doesn't give versions. We can get versioning from the file name, but only per job. I don't know...
We could maintain a map of the latest builds and serve that via a JSON API. Jenkins, after each build, runs a shell script that checks its version and calls...
Google and other browsers need to seriously reconsider how this could fly under the radar for so many months. What if some of the largest extensions do this, uBlock Origin...
This has nothing to do with bPermissions. Nothing in that stacktrace relates to bPermissions. Remove Vanish and then try.
working on this.
Would it be safe to automatically do this for any "Ban for spamming" ban, rather than make it a separate function? Something like this:
Thanks @garethrees! I think I understand the use case better now too. Will give that implementation you mention a shot at some point.
@garethrees if I understand right, there's currently no pagination for comments/annotations? If pagination was added in the future, then I imagine the JS 'select all' approach might not work?