Ankit Kumar Pandey
Ankit Kumar Pandey
Couldn't check Jython for venv site packages as it doesn't support python3 (yet!) and IronPython needs .NET framework (need to figure out how to emulate this on linux)
> Thank you! Practically graalpython will be the last part, but I think checking pypy was enough. > > Maybe filing a patch from pypy to CPython and taking it...
> I am a bit confused. The file looks under `2.7` path, but it is still used in python3, right? Last edit was 4 months ago. > > I...
Should we add a validation check in fn strptime for supported formats? This would require a list valid_time_formats = [..] which we can get from if validation succeeds then...
Did some more digging. CPython uses wcsftime for formatting time (if system supports it) After building latest python 3.12, I got following > time.strftime("%4Y") '2023' Same for Python 3.10 as...
> After reading a bit more, it seems that the `"%4Y"` format is platform-specific. +1 and on compiler version ``` /* Define to 1 if you have the `wcsftime' function....
> yeah, `crono` should be the one handling the platform specific stuff. Our main goal should be to avoid the panic for now and try and return the format as...
hi @dvarrazzo can you give little more information about what is expected/desired and where do we have a reference implementation for this? Thanks