OLFallenDoll copied to clipboard
[Ver0.8.2c]In character settings, the "Reset" and "Default" buttons have lost their function.角色设置中,“重置”和“默认”按钮失去了作用。
Note: My English is not very good, if you understand Chinese, please check the Chinese part directly below.
Describe the bug: Character's hair color cannot be reset or restored to default.The "Reset" and "Default" buttons have lost their function.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Log in to the game and enter "harem mode"
- Click "Character" and click "Female Body Customization"(Icons similar to the ♀ symbol)
- Feel free to adjust the game character on this interface, and then click the "Default" or "Reset" button
- See error
Expected behavior: These keys should trigger the corresponding effects when clicking "Default" and "Reset".
Desktop: OS: [Win10] Game Version: [Ver0.8.2c]
中文部分 描述错误: 角色的头发颜色无法被重置或恢复为默认状态。点击“重置”和“默认”两个按钮没有没有效果。
重现该行为的步骤: 1.登陆游戏并进入“后宫模式” 2.点击“角色”并且点击“女性身体自定义”(类似♀符号的图标) 3.随意调整游戏角色的设置,比如发色/皮肤颜色/肌肉强度等等,然后点击“重置”和“默认”按键 4.查看这个错误
预期行为: 点击“默认”或“重置”按钮时,它们应该发挥出对应的作用。