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[Ver0.8.2c][System]Unable to level up correctly.无法正确提升等级。
Note: My English is not very good. If you know Chinese, please check the Chinese part below.
Describe the bug: Unable to level up correctly,After gaining full experience, cannot level up. The upper limit of personal experience value should be "current level" plus 5. For example, at level 10, the upper limit of personal experience value should be 10+5=15.At level 195 and above, the upper limit of experience points is 200 points. In the current version (some other players claimed to have seen this problem in the previous version, but I did not trigger this problem until the current version),The upper limit of experience points will be increased after upgrading. For example, after upgrading from level 10 to level 11, the upper limit of experience points will be changed from 15 points to 16 points, but the level will not be increased.(As shown in Picture 1 and Picture 2) But when I logged into the game again, the level and experience points required for upgrades became normal (as shown in Figure 3).When upgrading again, this bug will be triggered again, And logging in again at this time will not work, it still has errors, and you can no longer upgrade after the experience points are full..(As shown in picture 4)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Log in to the game and enter "harem mode"
- Click "Start" and select an experimental site to enter
- Send likes to others until it fills up your experience points
- See error
Expected behavior: Correctly obtain and display the upper limit of experience points required for levels and upgrades after filling up the experience points.
Desktop: OS: [Win10] Game Version:[Ver0.8.2c]
(这里是中文部分,和原文相同) 错误描述: 无法正确的升级,在个人经验值满后无法提升个人等级。 个人经验值上限应该为“当前等级”加5。例如10级的话,个人经验值上限应该为10+5=15。 如果到了195级及以上,经验值上限应该是200点。 在当前版本中(有其他玩家声称在之前的版本中见过这个问题,但我直到当前版本才触发这个问题),升级后经验值上限将会提高。 例如,从10级升级到11级后,经验值上限将从15点变为16点,但等级不会增加。(如图1和图2所示) 但当我再次登录游戏时,升级所需的等级和经验值就变得正常了(如图3所示),如果此时再次获得满经验值升级,那么升级后会再次触发这个问题,重新登陆游戏也不再有效,它仍然有错误,经验值满后就无法再升级了。(如图4所示)
重现该行为的步骤: 1.登陆游戏并进入“后宫模式” 2.点击“开始”并选择一个实验场地然后进入 3.给其他人点赞,直到自己个人等级提升为止 4.查看到这个错误
预期行为: 当个人经验值填满后,应该正确获取并显示等级和升级所需的经验值上限。