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Array idioms
Hi, am wondering what the current idioms are for Vue dat array handling in vue-typescript?
- adding an element to an array?
- removing an element from an array?
- changing (updating) an element in an array?
- removing all elements from an arry?
Thanks David
I'm not 100% sure what you're refering to,.
If you're talking about this, it works exactly the same way and in standard vuejs. In fact, the vue typings even add autocompletion for $set and $remove.
I personally use push() and splice() as well as standard array modifications (if it is an array of objects, else i use $set). To clear an array i guess this works: this.array = []
For this, i guess whatever you would do in Javascript Vue is valid in vue-typescript
Hopefully i didn't completely miss your point.
Seems like these work on both standard Vue arrays, and Vuex arrays changed by mutations:
// 1) remove all:
arr = []
// 2) remove element by ID: apparently filter is efficient:
arr = arr.filter(o => o[id_name] != id)
// 3) upsert element, and have its properties update the GUI too:
const existing = _.find(arr, id_name, id)
if( existing )
_.assign(existing, child)
Adding this purely as a comment for other searchers...
The following syntax works for Vue 2 and Typescript.
constructor( private people: Administrator[]) {
... snip ....
Replace( index: number, person: Administrator ) {
Vue.set( this.people, index, person);