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A user-friendly automatic content accessibility checker.
We're starting to use this tool on a large Drupal instance with 400+ microsites, all under the same subdomain. Each microsite is managed by a group specific that microsite (hence,...
Can you add a check for empy list tags eg: `` We have had a few occurrences of these being left in the rich-text editor fields so it would be...
Since both tota11y and Sa11y have bookmarklet versions, I was curious if Editoria11y should as well. I tweaked the Squarespace injector code like this: ```js const ed11yInit = function() {...
It seems like every add-on puts its interactive button in the lower right corner. It would be helpful to position the button on the left or set the position with...
**Image has no alternative text attribute** and **Linked Image has no alt text** both appear. The other img alt tests defer to the linked-image test when it is active; should...
I am currently working on a [branch](https://github.com/itmaybejj/editoria11y/tree/contenteditable) that will allow for live feedback as you type in WYSIWYG editors based on the HTML contenteditable attribute -- e.g., TinyMCE, Gutenberg and...
https://github.com/itmaybejj/editoria11y/blob/a66fbff05c172c93c4419f0b2acb0863dc76a052/js/ed11y.js#L548 @adamchaboryk noted this should probably include more types of interactive content. perhaps `closest('a, button, [role=button], [role=link]')`
Not _quite_ a roadmap since not all of these will ever land, but...assembling ideas that were deferred from consideration for the 2.2 release. - per test parameters - visually improve...
I've worked with @brendonor (he wrote the code, I reviewed and gave feedback) to replace the JS modal alerts with in-panel messages. We have [a branch](https://github.com/brendonor/editoria11y/tree/move-js-alert-to-main-panel) that looks good to...