mwscrape icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mwscrape copied to clipboard

Refactor the script

Open TAbdiukov opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

  • Make the script OS-Independent. Now mwscrape runs on Windows happily

  • Convert the script to Python 3 (mwscrape2slob uses Python 3. Python 2.7 is soon to hit EOL, and is pretty much dead anyway)

  • Convert spaces to TABs

  • Create requirements.txt for "pip install -r requirements.txt"

  • Update ** Add tags related to script ** increment version :) ** Add things needed for mwscrape to be published onto PyPi ** Move all code to the root directory for convenience, in the similar manner to other script

  • Create & Add entries for gitignore ** ignore .slob in case they happened to be created in same directory ** ignore .zip that might be created to test out pip installation

P.S. if accepted, please run "python publish" to publish mwscrape onto PyPi

TAbdiukov avatar Apr 26 '19 13:04 TAbdiukov

Is your patch runtime-tested? Did you hit

bkuhls avatar Mar 21 '20 14:03 bkuhls

Is your patch runtime-tested? Did you hit #13 (comment)?


Apologies for a late reply. Yes, it's runtime tested - I scrapped the OWASP wiki, some reverse engineering wiki (dont remember any longer), and a few fandom-hosted wikis. No issues whatsoever

And no, didn't stumble across the problem from #13

Happy to do more runtime if need be, since I used mwscrape the last time maybe 6 months ago

TAbdiukov avatar Apr 05 '20 21:04 TAbdiukov


I just re-uploaded changes to a separate sandbox branch where you can play around with them. PY3 seems to handle the script correctly

Otherwise, since there are no changes since, I may refactor README, as well as the other things. I really hope the author publishes his work onto pypi, so other people can use the script flawlessly and easily as well

TAbdiukov avatar Apr 05 '20 21:04 TAbdiukov