TimeTableManager icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TimeTableManager copied to clipboard

Simple react application to create a TimeTable based only on your choice of subjects.

Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents
    • Usage
    • Setup

Simple react application to create a TimeTable based only on your choice of subjects.


  1. Visit timetables.cf

  2. Wait until the application downloads all the timetable and schedule data from server, only then you will be able to see the dropdown list filled with subjects.

  3. Search and choose your subjects from the list and the timetable will get updated accordingly. Once you have finalized the courses you can also download the time table using the download button.

  4. It also shows you the clashes you might have between two courses which is really helpful while choosing electives.

  5. Currently the Time Table Manager is limited to the courses offered at IIITD but can be extended for creating personal time table for students other than IIITD.


  1. Clone this repo locally on your system using button on top right or by running git clone https://github.com/itissandeep98/TimeTableManager.git on your terminal

  2. Get inside the directory and run yarn or npm install to install all the required dependcies

  3. Once all the packages are installed run yarn start or npm start to start the development server.'


  • I am open to suggestion. Feel free to create an issue or open a PR