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[http server]Receiving http pipeline while asynchronously writing resp, there is a potential crash risk
Hello, libhv is a very good open source library, recently I am learning the source code of libhv. While reading the http server code, I found a thread safety issue that may cause coredump, so I want to confirm it with you. The problem is described as follows:
(1) Pre-scenario: libhv's http server supports asynchronous response, that is, its own thread in the upper layer to use HttpResponseWriterPtr to write data to HttpResponsePtr.
At the same time, libhv support keep-alive, namely in the connection I received a new request, will call an HttpHandler: : FeedRecvData
function, then the request to reset the old data.
(2) Reproduction method: When the upper-layer asynchronously calls HttpResponseWriterPtr to write the response data, if the customer sends the data again (can be http-pipeline or attack), the state of HttpHandler is not equal to WANT_RECV, Then call HttpHandler::Reset
, and then call HttpMessage::Reset()
, which will empty some object data.These data is not done thread-safe, so in the upper layer with HttpResponseWriterPtr modification, may cause segment errors.
Hope to get your reply:
(1) Whether the scene of this problem exists.
(2) If so, can it be optimized?
(1)前置场景:libhv的http server是支持异步响应的,也就是在上层自己的线程去使用HttpResponseWriterPtr写入数据到HttpResponsePtr。
希望能得到您的答复: (1)这个问题的场景是否存在。 (2)如果存在,能否优化呢?
我也直接使用中文回复了,首先表扬你看源码看的很仔细,思考的很深入。 (1)这里确实没有考虑http pipeline场景或者恶意攻击的情况,假设的是常规的一应一答的请求-响应场景,在你描述的场景里使用http异步回调确实有线程安全问题,可能导致coredump。 (2)上面问题主要是因为一个HTTP连接里只使用了一个HttpRequest、HttpResponse请求上下文导致的,如果要优化的话,就得每接收一个新的请求就是New一个HttpRequest、HttpResponse请求上下文,不要去复用之前的来避免竞争,缺点就是多个请求上下文的生命周期管理有点麻烦,连接断开后,才能释放掉这条连接上所有的请求上下文。
如果不考虑支持http pipeline场景,作为服务端确实也应该考虑这种情况可能导致的coredump,后续我想下怎么规避下,加锁可能会影响效率。
加个判断:如果state == HANDLE_CONTINUE && writer->end != HttpResponseWriter::SEND_END
,则直接return 0,那么httpServer.cpp:on_recv会视为异常,然后关闭连接。这样可以先规避被攻击的场景。
加个判断:如果state != WANT_RECV