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Addition of Comment Based help
Addition of comment based help and external help to module
I'd like to start building comment based help into each function, additionally building of a docs folder with markdown extractions of that help
I am willing to build out file by file until each function includes help.
I'm interested in preferences for formatting of said help. I usually include the help within my functions for easy roll-up.
For example
function Verb-Noun {
Short description
Long description
Specifies a path to one or more locations.
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
General notes
param (
begin {
process {
end {
@brianmccarty that sounds like a helpful idea. Your example looks reasonable. There may be some overlap with the IT Glue API documentation and the Wiki but feel free to build some out (maybe a branch on your fork) and submit as a PR. How does that sound? FYI @CalebAlbers
The purpose would not be to replace or even supplement the API documentation, but to provide get-help of a commands from within Powershell for usage of the commands. And to populate the docs folder in the Github repo with help to enable a link for the -online command to allow for web based documentation.
The wiki is fine, but IMO it isn't useful to the coder. Putting the examples, usage, descriptions etc into the functions themselves provides the user with all the information at their finger tips.
The current help (see below) of the commands only provides the Powershell parsed help, with no actual examples of commands and usage. I believe it would be valuable to have enhanced descriptions of the parameters, examples, etc.
I'll build out an example in my fork, and post of follow up to this item for comments.
Current Get-Help of Get-ITGlueOrganizations
get-help Get-ITGlueOrganizations -Full
Get-ITGlueOrganizations [-filter_id <long>] [-filter_name <string>] [-filter_organization_type_id <long>] [-filter_organization_status_id <long>] [-filter_created_at
<string>] [-filter_updated_at <string>] [-filter_my_glue_account_id <long>] [-filter_exclude_id <long>] [-filter_exclude_name <string>]
[-filter_exclude_organization_type_id <long>] [-filter_exclude_organization_status_id <long>] [-filter_range <string>] [-filter_range_my_glue_account_id <long>] [-sort
{name | id | updated_at | organization_status_name | organization_type_name | created_at | short_name | my_glue_account_id | -name | -id | -updated_at |
-organization_status_name | -organization_type_name | -created_at | -short_name | -my_glue_account_id}] [-page_number <long>] [-page_size <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-ITGlueOrganizations [-id <long>] [<CommonParameters>]
-filter_created_at <string>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_exclude_id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_exclude_name <string>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_exclude_organization_status_id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_exclude_organization_type_id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_my_glue_account_id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_name <string>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_organization_status_id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_organization_type_id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_range <string>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_range_my_glue_account_id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-filter_updated_at <string>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-id <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name show
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-page_number <long>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-page_size <int>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
-sort <string>
Required? false
Position? Named
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name index
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
about_CommonParameters (https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
Get-Help cannot find the Help files for this cmdlet on this computer. It is displaying only partial help.
-- To download and install Help files for the module that includes this cmdlet, use Update-Help.
I'm all for this. It's been on the back burner too long, and frankly needs to be in place. I'm fine with the layout suggested, with the suggestion of adding a .LINK
keyword that links to the IT Glue documentation and any relevant wiki articles:
Short description
Long description
Specifies a path to one or more locations.
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
General notes
I'll start working this week on that. Feel free to contribute anything you might already have.
If comment-based help is still wanted I can take this action. I could get something together today or tomorrow for all the functions. You can reference my recent pull request #139 to see an example of what the help could look like.
Do we want to use PlatyPS and Github pages to help display documentation around the functions? As a reference in one of my recent projects, I combined the comment-based help with PlatysPS & Github pages to generate markdown files then using a simple Jekyll template and GitHub action I can display all the help files online. It's almost fully automated though at this time I haven't quite figured out how PowerShell external help works.
@CalebAlbers I made a slight tweak from the recommendation above to separate out the .LINK. When there are two URLs in the same .LINK Get-Help -online will combine the URLs.
Short description
Long description
Specifies a path to one or more locations.
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
General notes