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Crochet: use Twisted anywhere!

Results 22 crochet issues
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Experiments in making ParamSpec's work with the crochet typing support.

Hi, We just started integrating the 2.0 release into our codebase, and hit one issue. The `crochet.mypy` plugin is not checking if the function return value is a coroutine, it...


Apparently in old Python iscoroutinefunction could do better (and maybe the `asyncio` variant is better than the `inspect` variant? check.) See

bug sounds like it might make Crochet not break when `multiprocessing` default mode is used.

Python 3.7 has a queue that is re-entrancy safe, so in 3.7 we can omit the additional event loop used for the self-pipe trick. AFAICT there are no backports, though,...

I encountered an issue with crochet not terminating the twisted deferred correctly when raising the TimeoutError exception. ### Code for reference ``` python def test_eventual_result_timeout(server_url): # server incredibly slow eventual_result...


This can lead to dirty reactor warnings. Suggest SynchronousTestCase instead.


Consider the following code: ``` python from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from crochet import no_setup, wait_for, run_in_reactor no_setup() from twisted.trial import unittest as unittest_twisted import unittest as unittest_stdlib class...
