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The code used in the NLI hackathon, 23-24/11/2017 for generating image metadata: face recognition, emotion deteection, age&gender estimation, object detection, year of picutre estimation & textual des...


The code used in the NLI hackathon, 23-24/11/2017 for generating image metadata: face recognition, emotion deteection, age&gender estimation, object detection, year of picutre estimation & textual description


  • Face recognition:

    • Extracted facess locations with the HOG algorithm
    • Extracted deep features (Using a convolutinal Neural Net) for each face
    • Used K-Nearest Neighbors (with supporting ball-tree structure) to find similar faces in our data.
  • Age,Gender&Emotion, Object recogintion: with a CNN trained for each metada field.

  • Textual Description: Using the above meta-data and the nlp library simplenlg.

Team members: