api-oas-checker copied to clipboard
Update highlights on editor lines accordingly to the user modifications of the text
This is a usability issue.
The monaco editor demands to the user the updates on lines highlights
In the old editor, I limited the re-validation rate at 1/5seconds. You could just warn the user with an icon stating that he needs to revalidate (eg. set the auto-validate button to red...)
It sounds good. Adding @Fupete for visibility.
The "validation required" icon/color should be set:
- when text is altered
- when the ruleset is changed
I imagine we are talking about situations with "Auto refresh" off, right? Preliminary ideas:
- use an alert (https://italia.github.io/bootstrap-italia/docs/componenti/alert) and at the same time anim/blink the button in some way to be more visible;
- change the text in the button from "Validate" to "Need to re-validate" or something like that and change its color (or blink/anim)
- ... I will think better about it next days.