PlayerStats copied to clipboard
Future feature: database support
Get data in database:
- [x] Create database outline
- [ ] Take care of initial setup on database side:
- [x] check if tables exist, make them if they don't
- [x] check if values need to be added to the tables:
- [x] statistics
- [x] subStatistics
- [ ] Take care of initial setup on PlayerStats side:
- [ ] if players table is empty, give prompt to OP player (or player with permission) to fill database
- [ ] fill playertable
- [ ] fill valuetable
- [ ] Keep data updated dynamically
- [ ] Keep track of online players
- [ ] Add update-database command to manually force an update of valuetable (or all tables?)
Get data out of database
- [ ] Write logic to retrieve statResults from database
- [ ] #53
- [ ] #27