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Password of client database
Hi guys, I got a trouble. After client completed to sign up a new instance, they don't get any email instruction to change the password, I saw they probably sign in from SaaS portal. Am I missing to install some modules or configuration? Appreciate if you can help.
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Currently, user can sing in only via "Sign in via SaaS Portal" link. Signing in to saas client via password is not completed
@yelizariev May I suggest that we quickly do it by calling reset password function under '_prepare_database' function. I have done something like below
> def _prepare_database(self, client_env, owner_user=None, is_template_db=False, addons=[], access_token=None, tz=None, server_requests_scheme='http'):
> ...
> user.action_reset_password()
@minhyk ,
hello can you tell me what version do you use and propose a PR (think we need and option to reset or not)
thanks for your report,
@njeudy Hello njeudy. I am using Odoo10. I need a password reset cause the registration information is under main database but the template database that we provided for client is different so they should have PR link to reset the user password of template database by themselves instead of the default password.
@minhyk hellon In your template DB you can check the "enable password reset from login page" ? (in setting -> general settings) ?