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Why can not I disable the trial box in the configuration of the client database?
Hi. I have Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS, PostgreSQL 9.5, Odoo 9.0, Python 2.7.6.
I followed the instructions at https://github.com/Antiun/yelizariev-saas with the minimum changes.
I was able to setup it successfully.
I created templates and clients successfully.
However, i have a question ...
When I am modifying / editing some of the client databases (SaaS -> Clients) ...
Why can not I disable the trial box in the configuration of the client database?
I appreciate the guidance you can give me.
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My understanding is you cannot tick the trial box under clients, is it right? May I know what are you going to do for this action? We may have another approach to solve it.
Hello minhyk:
Thanks for your reply. The check box is enabled by default for all databases. (I do not know why). What I want is to turn it off. But when I try, the mouse pointer changes its appearance and change is not allowed.
Thank you very much.
@minhyk ,
I think you have to manage subscription and add a valid période .. this is considered as trial id no subscription on it (I will setup a test env to be sure ..) .. can you try on you staging instance ?