Jayme Howard
Jayme Howard
As a strawman, I opened the PR above with a potential implementation of the alternative I mentioned above. It seems like this should fairly elegantly solve the problem while completely...
I don't actually know offhand. I haven't had to work significantly with kubebuilder, so I've never had to dig into that. It likely is possible through some means though.
Need to bump this so it stays open.
Bumping again. This reminds me that my PR probably needs love.
Continuing to bump, as the PR needs review and a label.
Very much interested to know more about the performance of this component. Seems like it has potential, but also could very easily be a bottleneck at scale.
Could I politely ask for this to also include KEDA support in addition to bare HPA? Scaling on CPU isn't necessarily the right move. Being able to scale on the...
Got it, so the issue around that is specifically the value it'd have on memory. Now I'm tracking. I completely understand and agree with you there. Scaled up, all my...
This is 1.7.1 straight from the helm chart. Is 1.7.2-rc2 actually out? I only see rc1 in the releases. Happy to try rc2 and see if it performs better in...
If it ensures accuracy, having a single pod that mounts in the socket from its host doesn't seem unreasonable at all. Would love to see that. Not being able to...