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Filtering stops you being able to move items between lists
You can actually recreate this on the demo:
- Load page in firefox (I'm using version 26).
- Filter the left-hand box (type "4" or something like that into the filter).
- Move over the one you selected by clicking on it.
- You can't move it back by clicking on it!
I have the same problem, only I'm using Chrome 44. The default setup works fine, but the custom settings instantiation experiences this. Filter on the Non-selected, then you can't move items from Non-Selected to Selected. It maybe makes sense for the Selected not to display in the Non-selected if they don't meet the filter, but it should be able to move the filtered Non-selected option to the unfiltered Selected.
I also have same problem. After filtering items,move items is not working
I am facing same problem, while filter items some items move or some items not working. Kindly resolve same ASAP.
Checked with different browsers, looks works well with all browser except firefox 45.0.2
I'm experiencing the same issue. I know that it wasn't working on in Chrome 49.0.2623.112 m. I just updated to 50.0.2661.87 m, and I'm still seeing the same results.
I prepare the select using the following options the $(document).ready:
$('.listbox-selection').bootstrapDualListbox({ preserveSelectionOnMove: 'moved', moveOnSelect: false, nonSelectedListLabel: 'Available', selectedListLabel: ' Applied' });
Also, bootstrapDualListbox("refresh", true) is being called before I ever get a chance to use it myself, since the options are populated based on the values of other inputs on my page.