nyc copied to clipboard
Combined coverage for Branches does not add up to 100%
EDIT: this issue as partly fixed by using babel instead of v8 in Jest, however the branches still do not add up to 100% despite the single report from Jest does show 100% branch coverage. More in the thread.
Link to bug demonstration repository (note the nyc
Expected Behavior
Combined coverage from two test runs should add up 100% when one of the input coverage reports has 100% coverage
Observed Behavior
Combined coverage is reduced when the second test run contains less than 100% test coverage
Here's the report from Jest
Here's the report from Cucumber:
Here's the combined report:
"require": ["tsconfig-paths/register"],
"extends": "./nyc-config.js",
"cwd": ".",
"all": true,
"reporter": [
"temp-dir" : "coverage/.nyc_output",
"include": ["**/*.{ts,tsx}"],
"exclude": [
scripts that produce the above
"test": "yarn ensure:dirs && yarn test:jest && yarn test:cucumber && yarn coverage:combine",
"test:jest": "jest --coverage",
"test:cucumber": "nyc --report-dir=./coverage/cucumber cucumber-js",
"ensure:dirs" : "(rm -rf coverage || true) && (mkdir -p coverage/reports || true)",
"ensure:dir:nyc" : "(rm -rf ./coverage/.nyc_output || true) && mkdir ./coverage/.nyc_output",
"coverage:copy:reports:cucumber": "cp coverage/cucumber/coverage-final.json coverage/reports/from-cucumber.json",
"coverage:copy:reports:jest": "cp coverage/jest/coverage-final.json coverage/reports/from-jest.json",
"coverage:copy:reports": "yarn coverage:copy:reports:jest && yarn coverage:copy:reports:cucumber",
"coverage:combine:reports": "yarn ensure:dir:nyc && nyc merge coverage/reports && mv coverage.json coverage/.nyc_output/out.json",
"coverage:finalize:combined-report": "nyc report --reporter html --reporter text-summary --report-dir coverage/combined-coverage --cwd .",
"coverage:combine": "yarn coverage:copy:reports && yarn coverage:combine:reports && yarn coverage:finalize:combined-report"
Troubleshooting steps
- [x] still occurring when I put
cache: false
in my nyc config
Environment Information
OS: macOS 13.2
CPU: (12) arm64 Apple M2 Max
Memory: 17.21 GB / 96.00 GB
Node: 18.8.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.8.0/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.19 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.8.0/bin/yarn
npm: 9.1.2 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.8.0/bin/npm
nyc: ^15.1.0 => 15.1.0
ts-node: ^10.9.1 => 10.9.1
typescript: ~4.9.4 => 4.9.4
You can't mix Istanbul instrumented coverage with V8 coverage. Use the same instrumenter for both test setups.
E.g. change 'babel'
here to use istanbul with Jest:
Thank you, that's definitely improved it, but the branches now show as 50% combined coverage.
I've updated the repo
@samhatoum - were you able to resolve it ? I am having the same issue with nyc 15.1.0 , Node 18.17.0 and mocha 10.2.0 version
No, just learned to live with it and reduce the thresholds. I'd love to see it fixed