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Add a sonar tutorial
It would be great to help people to setup nyc with sonar.
Here is my setup:
npm install xunit-file --save-dev
add the following to the mocha command:
--reporter xunit-file --reporter-options file='./report/test-all.xml'
This is what I use (typescript + webpack + react) :
nyc mocha-webpack --webpack-config webpack.coverage.config.js \"(tests|web_modules)/**/*.test.\\?(ts|tsx)\" --require source-map-support/register --reporter mocha-sonar-reporter --reporter-options file='./coverage/TEST-xunit.xml'
webpack config:
// Enable sourcemaps for debugging webpack's output.
devtool: "cheap-module-source-map",
module: {
loaders: [
test: /\.tsx{0,1}?$/,
exclude: [/node_modules/, /json/],
loaders: ['istanbul-instrumenter', "babel-loader", "ts-loader"]
plugins: [
// Allow to define React as a global variable for JSX/TSX.
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({"React": "react",}),
@serut I don't do a ton of front-end coding these days, so I'm not the best person to write this tutorial -- would love the help if you wanted to help contribute: