issa marie tseng

Results 45 comments of issa marie tseng

alright, i pushed an alternate image again:

yeah, i am not really all that familiar w docker is why. :) happy to repush if you sample me a command.

okay i think it's done! sorry it took a second

yes this would be lovely

Yeah, I know of this behaviour. It's not quick or I'd have fixed it.

I'm not sure what this ticket's action item is; it seems we should be filing bugs when problems occur and then we can chase each one down?

Not really. Even a stack trace doesn't contain enough information for me to trace through oftentimes.

Though I'm not sure why you wouldn't be seeing anything in the console. That shouldn't be possible, and sounds very fishy.

hi @maelfosso: i'm sorry the error message is a bit cryptic. almost certainly the username or email address you are trying to use has already been taken. please try some...

glad it's working now. i've renamed this ticket and repurposed it as a reminder to improve that error message. thanks!