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Add read-only state for Text widget and ScrolledText widget
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Would it be possible, to add read-only state to Text widget and ScrolledText widget?
Describe the solution you'd like
See this post on the subject [New: Wrapping the text widget (another way)]
Describe alternatives you've considered
# read only text widget, idea and code by emiliano and ccbbaa, tested: tcl/tk8.6, linux - version 20191217-0
namespace eval ::roText {
proc roText {w args} {
if {[info exists ::roText::$w]} {
puts stderr "::roText::$w and possibly $w already exist"
return ;# discuss: better way to flag error to caller, return "" for now
text $w {*}$args
bind $w <Control-KeyPress-z> break ;# delete all
bind $w <Control-KeyPress-k> break ;# kill line
bind $w <Control-KeyPress-h> break ;# Backspace alternate
bind $w <Control-KeyPress-d> break ;# Del alternate
bind $w <Control-KeyPress-o> break ;# Ins newline
bind $w <Key-Delete> break
bind $w <Key-BackSpace> break
rename $w ::roText::$w
proc ::$w {cmd args} [format {
set w %s
set inf [lindex [info level 1] 0] ;# caller proc name; find tk vs scr.
#puts "* $cmd $args ([info level]) '$inf'" ;# debug
if {($cmd ni "insert delete") || ( ($cmd in "insert delete") \
&& ([string range $inf 0 3] != "tk::") \
&& ($inf != "tk_textCut") && ($inf != "tk_textPaste") ) \
} {
::roText::$w $cmd {*}$args
} $w $w]
bind ::$w <Destroy> [list rename $w {}]
return $w ;# created
# usage test
roText::roText .txt ;# create
pack .txt
.txt insert end {Test
Additional context
No response
I ran into a problem while trying to .configure the "state" of the ScrolledText widget. I'm trying to disable user input into the widget but still be able to insert data.
output_box = ScrolledText(output, padding=5, height=20, width=80, autohide=True, state='disabled')
File "**\gui\", line 50, in print_output
File "**\venv\Lib\site-packages\ttkbootstrap\", line 5003, in configure
func(self, cnf, **kwargs)
File "**\Python\Python311\Lib\tkinter\", line 1702, in configure
return self._configure('configure', cnf, kw)
File "**\Python\Python311\Lib\tkinter\", line 1692, in _configure, cmd)) + self._options(cnf))
_tkinter.TclError: unknown option "-state"
As I workaround I used the protected member "_text" (self._text = ttk.Text(self, padx=50, **kwargs)) in the ScrolledText widget.
I think adding the suggestion for a "read-only" state would avoid this problem.