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[ Enhancement ] Status Bar

Open PySimpleGUI opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

I finally sorta/kinda/a little, fixed the Status bar. It requires a line above it to expand in order for the window to resize.

I made this demo to show how to do one:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

    Demo Status Bar
    This demo shows you how to create your statusbar in a way that will keep it at the bottom of
    a resizeable window.  The key is the correct setting of the Expand settings for both the 
    StatusBar (done for you) and for a line above it that will keep it pushed to the bottom of the window.
    It's possible to also "simulate" a statusbar (i.e. use a text element or something else) by also
    configuring that element with the correct expand setting (X direction = True, expand row=True)
    Copyright 2020

def main():

    layout = [  [sg.Text('StatusBar Demo', font='ANY 15')],
                [sg.Text('This window has a status bar that is at the bottom of the window')],
                [sg.Text('The key to getting your bar to stay at the bottom of the window when')],
                [sg.Text('the window is resizeed is to insert a line of text (or some other element)')],
                [sg.Text('that is configured to expand.  ')],
                [sg.Text('This is accomplished by calling the "expand" method')],
                [sg.Button('Ok'), sg.B('Quit')],
                [sg.Text(key='-EXPAND-', font='ANY 1', pad=(0,0))],  # thin row (font size 1) that expands and keeps bar at the bottom
                [sg.StatusBar('This is the statusbar')]]

    window = sg.Window('Vertical Layout Example', layout, resizable=True, finalize=True)

    window['-EXPAND-'].expand(True, True, True)     # needed to make the window expand in a way that will cause status to be at the bottom

    while True:
        event, values =
        if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED, 'Quit'):   # if user closes window or clicks Quit

if __name__ == '__main__':

I dunno if you'll like it or if you've moved on and are not interested. I just thought I would toss it out there.

I learned a LOT from you about the importance of expansion. Same with anchoring. I finally put it together when I fixed up the StatusBar a little bit ago.

Close / toss this Issue if it doesn't fit with your vision for this little program. It was just a suggestion to take another look at PySimpleGUI in case you're up for adding it someday. Nothing meant beyond just that.

A number of people really look up to your code and are using it in their own code. I mentioned this status bar in a project that is a spin-off from your notepad:

What I love about this project is the first line of his readme gives you the credit you deserve!


That's the classy way for someone to go about extending someone's code! The developer deserves to be commended for doing the "right thing" here.

PySimpleGUI avatar Sep 19 '20 10:09 PySimpleGUI