racon copied to clipboard
empty overlap set!
I am trying Racon for first time. I am getting this error when I try to polish my data. I have tried with the files provided for the test and I get same error.
[racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded target sequences [racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded sequences [racon::Polisher::initialize] error: empty overlap set!
Thank you very much.
Hi, can you paste the command you are using?
Best regards, Robert
'/home/markwilks/racon/build/bin/racon' -t 4 '/home/markwilks/Desktop/M.abscessus/barcode02/barcode02new/barcode02silter2kbq7.fastq.gz' '/home/markwilks/Desktop/M.abscessus/barcode02/barcode02new/barcode02newminimap/barcode02newoverlap.paf.gz' '/home/markwilks/Desktop/M.abscessus/barcode02/barcode02new/barcode02newminimap/barcode02newminimap.contigs.fa' [racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded target sequences [racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded sequences [racon::Polisher::initialize] error: empty overlap set! I called the second overlap but is the one I got from minimap2 (reads-assembly). BW,
Could you please copy the minimap2 command you used to get the .paf file?
'/home/markwilks/minimap2-2.13_x64-linux/minimap2' -t 4 -map-ont '/home/markwilks/Desktop/M.abscessus/barcode02/barcode02new/barcode02newminimap/barcode02newminimap.contigs.fa' '/home/markwilks/Desktop/M.abscessus/barcode02/barcode02new/barcode02silter2kbq7.fastq.gz' | gzip -1 > '/home/markwilks/Desktop/M.abscessus/barcode02/barcode02new/barcode02newminimap/barcode02newoverlap.paf.gz'
Yeah, I did a mistake with the output got from minimpa2.
Thank you!
Hi, I am encountering similar problem, empty overlap set. I am very new to the metagenomics as well as racon. My commands are following,
minimap2 -x map-ont 98ZLc_assembly_NP.fasta 98ZLc_nanopore_filt.fastq > 98ZLc_assembly_minimap_NP.paf
racon 98ZLc_nanopore_filt.fastq 98ZLc_assembly_minimap_NP.paf 98ZLc_nanopore_filt_ava_assembly.fasta > \ 98ZLc_nanopore_filt_racon.fasta
could you please help me to resolve this problem?
it appears that you misplaced the reference file, i.e. in the minimap2 command you are mapping reads to 98ZLc_assembly_NP.fasta
and in the racon command you want to polish 98ZLc_nanopore_filt_ava_assembly.fasta
. Those two files should match.
Best regards, Robert
Thanks for your kind reply. It has worked. Now i am getting slightly different following error,
minimap2 -x sr 98ZLc_nanopore_assembly_racon_metka2.fasta 98ZLc_combineraw_IL.fastq > 98ZLc_mini_IL.paf
racon 98ZLc_nanopore_raw.fastq 98ZLc_mini_IL.paf 98ZLc_nanopore_assembly_racon_metka2.fasta > 98ZLc_nanopore_assembly_racon_metka2_raconIL.fa [racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded target sequences 1.170 s [racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded sequences 152.444 s [racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded overlaps 116.237 s [racon::Overlap::find_breaking_points] error: overlap is not transmuted!
Could you please give some insight on this error and any possibility to overcome.
It appears again that you misplaced the files :D You are mapping 98ZLc_combineraw_IL.fastq
to your assembly with minimap2 and in racon you are using different reads 98ZLc_nanopore_raw.fastq
. These two files should also match :)
my bad. Thanks. But again some error so, anbu@bubulin:~/polyplax/downstreamanalysiswithvaclavassembly$ racon -t 19 98ZLc_combineraw_IL.fastq 98ZLc_mini_IL.paf 98ZLc_nanopore_assembly_racon_metka2.fasta > 98ZLc_nanopore_assembly_racon_metka2_raconIL.fa [racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded target sequences 1.175 s [racon::Polisher::initialize] loaded sequences 200.535 s [racon::Overlap::transmute] error: unequal lengths in sequence and overlap file for sequence A00419:60:H7KWLDRXX:2:2101:3522:1016!
Was the Illumina file 98ZLc_combineraw_IL.fastq
created by joining 2 paired end files?
yes, it is !
The error is probably that reads from a pair have equal names up to the first white space. You can add 1 to the first read and 2 to the second read name. Here is a script I wrote a while back: https://github.com/isovic/racon/issues/68#issuecomment-386223150. Usage is here: https://github.com/isovic/racon/issues/68#issuecomment-453412183.
thanks. so i made script.py file and saved it my working directory and ran the script. got the following error,
anbu@bubulin:~/polyplax/downstreamanalysiswithvaclavassembly$ python script.py 98ZLc_combineraw_IL.fastq
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "script.py", line 46, in
am i doing something wrong?
Hmmm that is weird, I tried with both python2 and python3 and it works.
i have fastq file, is it ok
Yeah, It should be a fastq file. Did you by any chance mess up the indentation in the script?
i just copied it. ii have not changed anything.
if you have script.py file, could you please attach it. I will try with it.
Thanks. It is running now. i guess it will run for a while?
If you have a big file it might take a while :)
it is 22.1 gb, i guess big enough.
Indeed it is. I hope you run the command with piping to a new file!
no i did not do, i am new to scripting. could you give me how to do. it is running on the screen itself.
python rename.py 98ZLc_combineraw_IL.fastq > 98ZLc_renamed_IL.fastq
do i need to do the minimap with the renamed file before polishing with racon?
Unfortunately yes.
great, thanks.